Saudi military breaking their fast


رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
Saudi military protecting the borders of the land of Tawhīd and the two Sacred Mosques. They pray, they fast, they call the adhān and break their fast with dates and water. This is the way of Islam and Sunnah, so may Allah aid them, reward them and bless them and their parents.

‏اللهم أنصر جنودنا المرابطين على الحدود

‏ اللهم سدد رميهم
‏ وثبت أقدامهم
‏ وتقبل دعاءهم وصيامهم وقيامهم
‏ وانصرهم على عدوك وعدوهم

Saudi military protecting the borders of the land of Tawhīd and the two Sacred Mosques. They pray, they fast, they call the adhān and break their fast with dates and water. This is the way of Islam and Sunnah, so may Allah aid them, reward them and bless them and their parents.

‏اللهم أنصر جنودنا المرابطين على الحدود

‏ اللهم سدد رميهم
‏ وثبت أقدامهم
‏ وتقبل دعاءهم وصيامهم وقيامهم
‏ وانصرهم على عدوك وعدوهم

and then they go and kill some starving yemeni kids

