Saudi Arabia allows (unmarried) foreign men and women to share hotel rooms

@Lum and @Omar del Sur, Please, take note Sxb, even single Saudi women can travel alone and rent hotels on their own. Pass the memo to all the Somali Salafis. Thank you.

Saudi Arabia allows foreign men and women to share hotel rooms.

RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia is allowing foreign men and women to rent hotel rooms together without proving they are related, after the conservative Muslim kingdom launched a new tourist visa regime to attract holidaymakers.

Women, including Saudis, are also permitted to rent hotel rooms by themselves, in a break with previous regulations.

The moves appear to pave the way for unaccompanied women to travel more easily and for unmarried foreign visitors to stay together in the Gulf state, where sex outside of marriage is banned.

The Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage confirmed a report on Friday by Arabic-language newspaper Okaz, adding: “All Saudi nationals are asked to show family ID or proof of relationship on checking into hotels. This is not required of foreign tourists. All women, including Saudis, can book and stay in hotels alone, providing ID on check-in.”

Saudi Arabia threw open its doors last week to foreign tourists from 49 countries as it tries to grow that sector and diversify its economy away from oil exports. As part of the move, it decreed that visitors need not wear all-covering black robes but should dress modestly. Alcohol remains banned.

Saudi Arabia has been relatively closed off for decades and until recently unrelated men and women, including foreigners, could be severely punished for mixing in public. Strict social codes have been relaxed in recent years and previously banned entertainment has flourished.

But an influx of tourists — the authorities are aiming for 100 million annual visits by 2030 — could push boundaries further and risks conservative backlash.

The kingdom ended a heavily criticized ban on women driving last year and in August granted women new rights to travel abroad, chipping away at a guardianship system that assigns each woman a male relative to approve important decisions throughout their lives.

The changes are part of de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s ambitious economic and social reform agenda. His plans have received international praise, but his image has been tarnished by the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a crackdown on dissent, and a devastating war in Yemen.

Until now, foreigners traveling to Saudi Arabia have been largely restricted to resident workers and their dependents, business travelers, and Muslim pilgrims who are given special visas to visit the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Saudi still follows Sharia more than probably 99% of countries on the planet... if I start ranting about countries, I think I'll have to rant about about 99% of the countries on earth before I get to Saudi
Saudi still follows Sharia more than probably 99% of countries on the planet... if I start ranting about countries, I think I'll have to rant about about 99% of the countries on earth before I get to Saudi

@Omar del Sur

Sxb that is your prerogative and Rights that no one can take away from you, but your spiritual leaders have shifted the goalposts, please spread the word.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur

Sxb that is your prerogative and Rights that no one can take away from you, but your spiritual leaders have shifted the goalposts, please spread the word.

the Saudi government is not my spiritual leader....... there's hundreds of governments on earth that I don't really talk about.... it's not my job to rant against Saudi and make takfir on them

in direct contradistinction to what you claim..... I don't really follow or pay attention to the Saudi government..... I don't read books by the Saudi government..... I have some books by Sheikh Fawzan and Sheikh Ibn Baz...... those scholars I listen to.... as far as I'm aware, Sheikh Fawzan isn't running the Saudi government
the Saudi government is not my spiritual leader....... there's hundreds of governments on earth that I don't really talk about.... it's not my job to rant against Saudi and make takfir on them

@Omar del Sur

The Salafi doctrine that you follow was made accessible to you and hundreds of millions of Muslims globally by the Petro-Dollars of the Al-Saud family, furthermore, your spiritual leaders are overwhelmingly Saudi scholars, if they do agree with these changes, that means they've lied to you and your non-Saudi Salafi brethren. Anyway, please inform others of this new memo.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur

The Salafi doctrine that you follow was made accessible to you and hundreds of millions of Muslims globally by the Petro-Dollars of the Al-Saud family, furthermore, your spiritual leaders are overwhelmingly Saudi scholars, if they do agree with these changes, that means they've lied to you and your non-Saudi Salafi brethren. Anyway, please inform others of this new memo.

by definition, Salafiyya means following Islam as practiced by the pious predecessors......

if following Islam in its original form is a Zionist conspiracy then I guess I'm in on it

I don't think the earliest generations of Muslims were working for the Saudi government


I tried to search Saudi Arabia on Twitter to find news about this and I also found that a KPOP group is going to be performing in Saudi Arabia on October the 10th

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I tried to search Saudi Arabia on Twitter to find news about this and I also found that a KPOP group is going to be performing in Saudi Arabia on October the 10th

Why is only Saudi held to this standard? If we were to apply this standard consistently, we would probably have to attack every government except North Korea.
by definition, Salafiyya means following Islam as practiced by the pious predecessors......

if following Islam in its original form is a Zionist conspiracy then I guess I'm in on it

I don't think the earliest generations of Muslims were working for the Saudi government

@Omar del Sur

Sxb, I heard that convincing argument during my Salafi days that modern Salafis are the most genuine & righteous Muslims because they can trace back to the original Salafiya, but one requires Isnad or a connector to those early scholars and how could Taymiyya and Abdulwahab plug that vacuum to the originals? Preach brother.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur

Sxb, I heard that convincing argument during my Salafi days that modern Salafis are the most genuine & righteous Muslims because they can trace back to the original Salafiya, but one requires Isnad or a connector to those early scholars and how could Taymiyya and Abdulwahab plug that vacuum to the originals? Preach brother.

"yes, I was Salafi too but then I evolved"....... this is the same thing Yasir Qadhi says.... it doesn't impress me.

We have Quran and Sunnah.

Can you show me something in Kitab At-Tawheed by Sheikh Wahhab which goes against Quran and Sunnah?

I love Sheikh Fawzan, Sheikh Albaani and Sheikh Ibn Baz.

However, these people are scholars. I admire them for their scholarship.

If we have someone who is a really excellent writer on history- they're excellent because they present the history in an accurate way. The actual history exists prior to the writing about it. It's not like you worship the historical writer and history follows what they said- it's that what they write follows the actual history.

If you can show me how Sheikh Fawzan contradicts Quran or Sunnah, then I'm happy to go along with Quran and Sunnah. The simple truth is that Sheikh Fawzan, Sheikh Ibn Baz, etc.- what they say tends to be in line with Quran and Sunnah.

O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.

-Surah An-Nisa 4:59


I tried to search Saudi Arabia on Twitter to find news about this and I also found that a KPOP group is going to be performing in Saudi Arabia on October the 10th
Weren’t they gonna have nicki Minaj perform?:mjlol::drakelaugh::pachah1:


What were they thinking:lolbron:@Omar del Sur would be like but other Muslim countries allow this, umm no they don’t lol

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Weren’t they gonna have nicki Minaj perform?:mjlol::drakelaugh::pachah1:
What were they thinking:lolbron:@Omar del Sur would be like but other Muslim countries allow this, umm no they don’t lol

Why are you posting ography?

Saudi has a double standard applied to it.

Did you know that Nicki Minaj performed in UAE in 2012?

I didn't.

If Nicki Minaj performs in UAE, no one makes a big deal, it's not really heard about. But Nicki Minaj is supposed to perform in Saudi in 2019 and the media makes a big deal about it.

Has Nicki Minaj performed in other Muslim countries as well? I have no idea. It's only a big news thing if it's in Saudi, it seems.

And take the example of K-Pop. If Saudi allows a K-Pop act.... it's taken like a big deal. If Iran allows a K-Pop act, I doubt people will even hear about it.

I mean Nicki Minaj was supposed to perform in Saudi this year... the UAE performance was in 2012. Where is the relentless demonization of the UAE government? There is clearly an agenda at play.


Beyoncé upset Egyptian men with raunchy performance

and this is in 2011..... but I never heard anything about that... it's not Saudi so apparently it's not big news

it's blatantly obvious that there's an agenda being pushed

J-Lo concert draws 2,000 in Egypt, singer unfazed by BDS calls after Israel gig

but if this was Saudi, it would be treated as big news

apparently someone named Bhad Babie was supposed to perform in Jordan...

Bhad Bhabie show in Jordan cancelled over 'pro-Israel' tweet controversy

but no media outcry...... only if it's Saudi
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Why are you posting ography?

Saudi has a double standard applied to it.

Did you know that Nicki Minaj performed in UAE in 2012?

I didn't.

If Nicki Minaj performs in UAE, no one makes a big deal, it's not really heard about. But Nicki Minaj is supposed to perform in Saudi in 2019 and the media makes a big deal about it.

Has Nicki Minaj performed in other Muslim countries as well? I have no idea. It's only a big news thing if it's in Saudi, it seems.

And take the example of K-Pop. If Saudi allows a K-Pop act.... it's taken like a big deal. If Iran allows a K-Pop act, I doubt people will even hear about it.

I mean Nicki Minaj was supposed to perform in Saudi this year... the UAE performance was in 2012. Where is the relentless demonization of the UAE government? There is clearly an agenda at play.
UAE is damn near a gaal state, are your putting KSA at the same standards? Right now only KSA princes are allowed to live like the most degenerate gaals(even worse than non Muslims) do you not have an issue with them expanding on this to the general public? I never seen nicki perform in Djibouti or Iran or something
They spend billions on military hardware, I'm sure this new generation of saudis are okay with this. Why fly to Bahrain twice a week, when you can just drive to the nearest hotel?.

The ones who are outrage with be silenced by the public. The ones who fight, while be shot with them amerikan guns.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur defending Islam, doesn't mean defending Saudia. Let it burn.

Does defending Islam in your sentence mean Islam it itself or does it mean the interests of Islam?

Islam is submission to the Will of God. Saudi Arabia is a geographical area. Submission to the Will of God is not a geographical area.

Clearly, Islam and Saudi can't be the same. Islam is not a geographical area.

As for what interests are associated with the Saudi-bashing trend- I would like to see what happens if I Google "Ayan Hirsi Ali Saudi".

Then I want to try" Ayan Hirsi Ali Egypt".

Here's some of what popped up:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Trump must tackle Saudi fanaticism when he's in Riyadh

there's other anti-Saudi stuff from her as well- as I assumed there would be.

I tried "Ayaan Hirsi Ali Egypt". I did see some stuff from her against Muslim Brotherhood but nothing against Egypt as such.

So..... if you want to be on the same bandwagon as Ayaan Hirsi Ali and AussieHustler and help them fight against Salafi "fanaticism" so that Salafi "fanaticism" can be eliminated and replaced with "liberal Islam"... that's your choice. When I'm brought in front of my Creator, even if other Muslims were foolish enough to help undermine their own religion, I want my record to say that I had no part in it.

Macalin M

Out here
Well then...they’re changing their laws pretty quick. How long until bikinis on the beach? Or is that already a thing?

is alcohol still banned?