Saudi Arabia allows raunchy Vogue Arabia photoshoot in Madina province

The controversial photoshoot is part of a series of reforms that the kingdom has been implementing in recent years in order to open up its economy to international tourism and modernization

Saudi Arabia has stoked controversy after it was revealed that it gave permission for Vogue Arabia to conduct a raunchy photoshoot of international supermodels within the historical site of Al-Ula in the province of Madina.

Vogue Arabia, the Arab edition of the renowned US-based fashion magazine, released its 24-hour campaign photoshoot for the New York-based label Mônot yesterday, which featured models such as Kate Moss, Mariacarla Boscono, Candice Swanepoel, Jourdan Dunn, Amber Valletta, Xiao Wen and Alek Wek.

In the photoshoot, named ‘24 hours in AlUla,’ the models were seen wearing tight dresses with thigh-slits while they posed and walked around the UNESCO World Heritage site, known as the world’s largest open air museum consisting of carved rock structures similar to Jordan’s Petra.

The Lebanese designer Eli Mizrahi, who organised and directed the shoot, said: “I convinced the talent that they would look back on this moment — 24 hours in AlUla — as something special. Kate Moss not only came, but she was the first one on set at 5 a.m. and the last to leave.”

The nature of the shoot and the dresses worn in them are classed as immodest by many Muslims, and despite the fact that the distance of the site is around 300 kilometres from the holy city of Madina, it is within the same province which many see as inappropriate for the Saudi authorities to have allowed.

The controversial photoshoot is part of a series of reforms that the kingdom has been implementing in recent years in order to open up its economy to international tourism and modernisation. Such reforms, which include the decrease in authority of the religious police, the lifting of restrictions in gender mixing, and the stripping of the requirement for women to wear the abaya or loose gown, are also part of the Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030.

How do you go from women can’t drive and no movie theaters to “halal” disco and concerts and vogue model shoot in matter of 2 or 3 years?
This just confirms that so called Saudi Muslims only pay Islam a lip service otherwise they would have protested these things

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
How do you go from women can’t drive and no movie theaters to “halal” disco and concerts and vogue model shoot in matter of 2 or 3 years?
This just confirms that so called Saudi Muslims only pay Islam a lip service otherwise they would have protested these things

no, this confirms that some Saudi Muslims are doing questionable things.... I know a brother from Saudi who is a very decent and pious brother.... we shouldn't be against our Saudi brothers in general.... the common people are not responsible for these things, I am sure that many of them do not agree with such things
no, this confirms that some Saudi Muslims are doing questionable things.... I know a brother from Saudi who is a very decent and pious brother.... we shouldn't be against our Saudi brothers in general.... the common people are not responsible for these things, I am sure that many of them do not agree with such things
But they are silent whilst photo shoots are happening in Medina
no, this confirms that some Saudi Muslims are doing questionable things.... I know a brother from Saudi who is a very decent and pious brother.... we shouldn't be against our Saudi brothers in general.... the common people are not responsible for these things, I am sure that many of them do not agree with such things
Average Saudis have no say in their laws, the royal family owns the country like it’s their own property.
But they are silent whilst photo shoots are happening in Medina
It’s a dictatorship! Those who do challenge the authorities are imprisoned. Loujain Al Hathloul, Aziza and many other activists are locked up. Salman Al Ouda is on death penalty for a tweet. MBS doesn’t play around.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
this is sad and depressing but what can be done.... it doesn't quite reach the level of apostasy as far as I'm aware....

people hate on Saudi regardless of what they do.... if they follow strict Islamic law, they are hated for being alleged extremists.... if they loosen, they're attacked for not following Islamic law..... if they align with the US, they're attacked for aligning with the US.... if they align with China to be less dependent on the US, they're attacked for aligning with China.....

I believe the Shaytaan wants to get rid of Salafiyyah..... Salafiyyah does not allow for the degenerate society that the West is pushing for everywhere.... the idea is that the entire world becomes Westernized so that Westernization is impossible to escape

anyways, the anti-Saudi thing imo is about getting rid of Salafiyyah so it can be replaced by liberal Islam

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Representative democracy is honestly closer to the Sharia than this gong show.

no it isn't... democracy is not Islamic..... I think those rulers are going to be gotten rid of entirely and it's going to get a thousand times worse... if you believe in democracy, you've already been infected with liberalism yourself


Engineer of Qandala
How do you go from women can’t drive and no movie theaters to “halal” disco and concerts and vogue model shoot in matter of 2 or 3 years?

This autistic dude is trying to run to the other extreme, they even got an LGTB outreach office open in the capitol.

no it isn't... democracy is not Islamic..... I think those rulers are going to be gotten rid of entirely and it's going to get a thousand times worse... if you believe in democracy, you've already been infected with liberalism yourself
What do you think of Shura and how do you think the rightly guided Khalifs were chosen?
no it isn't... democracy is not Islamic..... I think those rulers are going to be gotten rid of entirely and it's going to get a thousand times worse... if you believe in democracy, you've already been infected with liberalism yourself
Well when they appointed a new Khalifah they would have the current ruler first choose a sucessor, have a meeting with both religious and secular scholars and then also conduct a vote. So all three are valid

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
People are still pushing this "democracy is Islamic- don't you know about Shura?" meme???

I mean what's wrong with half-naked women posing for pictures?

Don't you know that Allah is beautiful and loves beauty?

Then there's Muslims who are against "lgbt".

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Part of the perfection of one’s Islam is his leaving that which does not concern him.” A hasan (good) hadeeth which was related by at-Tirmidhi and others in this fashion.

Why should we be against "lgbt" and "lgbt" Muslims? Aren't we supposed to mind our business? And isn't Allah Most Merciful?

Then you have these Muslims who are against feminism. Didn't Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) say the best of you is who is best to his wife?

Then you have these Muslims who are against feminism!

Why go half-way? If we're going to say democracy is Islamic, why not say half-naked women, feminism and homo imams are Islamic too? Why don't we just say everything is Islamic?

And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying.

-Surah Al-An'am 6:116

Just that by itself is enough to prove that democracy is wrong. There shouldn't need to be anything else said after that.

As for this Shura meaning democracy is Islamic meme.... don't people know this has been debunked for a long time now?


Some people think that the word democracy is equivalent to shoora (consultation) in Islam! This is a mistaken notion for many reasons, including the following:

1. Shoora has to do with new matters that arise or with matters that are not explained in detail in the texts of the Qur’an or Sunnah. With regard to the “rule of the people”, the people may discuss what is well-established in religion, which may lead to refusing to acknowldge the prohibitions on that which is forbidden, and to forbidding that which Allah has permitted or made obligatory. So the sale of alcohol is permitted according to these laws, as are fornication/adultery and riba (usury), but these laws put pressures on Islamic organizations and the activities of those who call people to Allah. This is diametrically opposed to sharee‘ah, so what does this have to do with shoora?

2. The majlis ash-shoora (consultative committee) is to be formed of people who have a deep knowledge of fiqh, Islam and sharee‘ah, fahm, and have a high level of piety and good character. So no one who is of bad character or foolish, or is a disbeliever or atheist, is to be consulted or involved in the shoora process. As for the democratic councils of representatives, they pay no attention to any of the con ditions mentioned above. The representative may be a disbeliever, or of bad character or foolish. What does this have to do with shoora as prescribed in Islam?

3. Shoora is not binding upon the ruler; the ruler may give precedence to the view of one member of the council that is supported by proof, and prefer his view over that of the other council members, whereas in the case of representative democracy, the agreement of the majority becomes legally binding upon the people.

Once this is known, then what the Muslims must do is be proud of their religion and trust that the rulings of the Lord are best for them in this world and in the Hereafter, and they should disavow systems that go against the laws of Allah.

What all other Muslims must do – rulers and ruled alike – is adhere to the laws of Allah, may He be exalted, in all their affairs. It is not permissible for anyone to follow a system or methodology other than Islam. One of the indications of their acceptance of Allah as their Lord, Islam as their religion, and Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) as their Prophet and Messenger, is that the Muslims adhere to Islam outwardly and inwardly; they respect the laws of Allah and follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).

We ask Allah to honour us with Islam and to cause the plots of the traitors to fail.

And Allah knows best."

And if anyone wants to say "well IslamQA is a Wahhabi site" and act like saying that invalidates whatever IslamQA says, okay, fine- just that verse from the Quran by itself proves that democracy is wrong.

You can't take Thomas Jefferson as your sheikh and follow the same thinking as George Bush and complain about others being Westernized.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
"Those brainwashed Wahhabis like to claim democracy is not Islamic. Masha'Allah, did you know Muslims were the first inventors of liberal democracy? Look it up, bro- look up Shura! George Washington rebelled against King George because Washington was upon the Sunnah. He wanted King George to get back to Quran and Sunnah. Freemasonry had nothing to do with it. But the history lies! They don't want us to know that George Washington was a mujahid! Btw did you know he was also a proud black man? He was a king back in Africa before he was enslaved and this is why he was so passionate about Freedom! Democracy is an Islamic concept, bro! Btw did you know evolution is Islamic too? Muslims discovered it centuries before Darwin! I bet they didn't teach you that in science class! Ooh- look at this fine shawty that just hit me up on IG! Anyways, so I was just researching Islam on Huffington Post.... a lot of people say Islam oppresses women- but did you know Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the first feminist? Masha'Allah, bro!"


A man trying to be successful
king abdulaziz, king faisal, and king Abdullah were all better because they were pro Muslim not with this Liberal type of trash. I respect the old saudi Arabia not this. :susp: