Sadiq Khan plans London council tax rise


Veni Vidi Vici

@Periplus , Get in here. You live in Aussie land and tell us Londoners what is great for us. Now look at this, under SADIQ, not Boris. Lets see how your gonna shift the blame now.

But, I will give him the point of reducing the C charge.



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
London is crazy, apprently they have different zones where you pay “emission fees” just to park for different neighborhoods. What a socialist country


You need people like me
This isn’t Sadiq Khan’s fault. The conservatives are playing him and there isn’t much he can do. Priti Patel and Grant Shapps told him to increase it to fund the met and tfl. This is all due to central government cuts to local government.
Something has to give. The government aren’t giving him the funds to keep the TFL running longer term, but they’ll waste money on shitty contracts and refurbishing No.10 for Boris.
No one wants a council tax increase but the TFL is also invaluable.


Staff Member
London is only for the poor or the rich. Those in the middle can't afford to live there. On top of that, they had road taxes and television taxes and all sorts of crazy taxes.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

@Periplus , Get in here. You live in Aussie land and tell us Londoners what is great for us. Now look at this, under SADIQ, not Boris. Lets see how your gonna shift the blame now.

But, I will give him the point of reducing the C charge.

Sadiq is 5'4 tall and his wife has a matching rhyming name Saadiya.

How cute.

Nope. Gas is also very expensive probably due to all the gas taxes as well. Food is a lot cheaper in London though.

You guys have both federal and provincial taxes, right?

In the UK, you don't pay tax on the first £12,570 (~ $21,000 cad). However, the highest tax rate is more expensive in the UK than in Canada.

I think for average salaries, brits pay less tax than canadians. Not so sure about the higher earners.
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