Taxation is theft
The whites are encouraging these chaos. Also , this is what “pro-black” women are posting on the wall.
The whites are encouraging these chaos. Also , this is what “pro-black” women are posting on the wall.View attachment 125482
I don’t trust them. They have their own agenda. If they REALLY cared then they should cleaning up black neighborhoods and using their money to rebuild their businesses. Karen and Bob blocking the highway so my Uber eats takes an extra half a hour isn’t helping me as a poor widdle minority. Talk is cheap
Why are you against Black people mourning White woman who was killed by police who enforce the government's monopoly on violence? You as an anarchist should support this type of propaganda against the government. You can't abolish the taxation you consider theft if there is widespread support for government and police
Anarchists support victims of government/police right
Jim Jones is a main reason why I don’t trust non black allies. They’re trying to push the “women is God” message to blacks. Instead of running around like an idiot, she could of been teaching kids in the hood to read or to make your own resume. I know some many people my age that went to strictly public school with no homeschooling that don’t know how to make a cover letter or resume
Why are you against Black people mourning White woman who was killed by police who enforce the government's monopoly on violence? You as an anarchist should support this type of propaganda against the government. You can't abolish the taxation you consider theft if there is widespread support for government and police
Anarchists support victims of government/police right