Royal rumble: Uk xalimo edition

Why am I broke
Protection with the Abdis
No one can touch me in the Uk
Put me in a coma and then your whole entire family is finished
You’re full of shit lol.

It sounds like you’re describing growing up teenager type shit, like maybe they partied, which is general population. I’m talking ghetto ratchetness. A lot of Somalis grew up in the ghetto and became the ghetto.

The Somali community?
I don’t know what Somalis you know but there is a lot of suburban kids that went full retard and start toting pistols and breaking crime.

And by ratchet I mean mimicking rap culture and talking “urban” and getting into fights and being general nuisances which a lot of them are.

I don’t know how you define ratchet.
lool its deleted

not fair i guess i missed the action:mjlol:
Massive brawl in Brum. Around 50 68 cultural enrichers (mostly female) that took their twitter beef to the SKREETS. They beat the shit out of each other. The faraaxs didn't do shit ofc n just entertained the ting. Niggas were screaming "world starr" kkkkkk

Hijabs were pulled off. Total chaos

They were all Somali ofc. Both sides of the beef.
Massive brawl in Brum. Around 50 68 cultural enrichers (mostly female) that took their twitter beef to the SKREETS. They beat the shit out of each other. The faraaxs didn't do shit ofc n just entertained the ting. Niggas were screaming "world starr" kkkkkk

Hijabs were pulled off. Total chaos

They were all Somali ofc. Both sides of the beef.
Lool, something similar happened in my school. It was these Hijabis who had beef at lunch so they went to the back of the school. It looked like it was 10 something xalimos fighting (a lot). The school princibal came to stop the fight, he was an old man so he was walking with a cane. This Somali girl snatched the cane from his hand and ran back to hit it on another xalimo.

Hijabs were flying everywhere, shits crazy:chrisfreshhah:
Lool, something similar happened in my school. It was these Hijabis who had beef at lunch so they went to the back of the school. It looked like it was 10 something xalimos fighting (a lot). The school princibal came to stop the fight, he was an old man so he was walking with a cane. This Somali girl snatched the cane from his hand and ran back to hit it on another xalimo.

Hijabs were flying everywhere, shits crazy:chrisfreshhah:
:mjcry: they start young :kanyehmm:
Where are all those ratchet xaarlimos crawling out from? this was unheard of in the mid and early 2000s.
in the mid early 2000s the cool people to emulate for the fob somali girls were the rnb pop stars for so it was all about jean jackets and hoop earrings. Now they have cardi B who sticks her tongue out


Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
17-18 year olds are not kids. This is not normal behaviour. Stop making excuse for trash. And you think trash suddenly stop being trash with age?
All I did was point out they are 15/16 years olds having a fight. Hardly a crime. I bet you were a right saint at that age :comeon:
Never in my life speak in a Jamaican accent !! I have Jamaican children , white people need to stop trying to be black. Pray for them inshallah xxx

