Rooble - Farmaajo mediation efforts


mooryaan Rooble was utterly defeated the only thing he got was a face saving point of firing security minister but the mooryaan from badbaado qabil was not accepted. he will name a new one.

GUUL Farmaajo GUUL Somalia
Do not argue with some of these users. They live in an alternate reality of their own making.

For those who want real updates there are many sources online.

Roble has failed at every turn, the only thing he had control over was the SNTV FB page.


Do not argue with some of these users. They live in an alternate reality of their own making.

For those who want real updates there are many sources online.

Roble has failed at every turn, the only thing he had control over was the SNTV FB page.


Who takes updates from a convicted rapist?
Who takes updates from a convicted rapist?

Sxb these fanatics are an degenerate criminal group known as N&N who are United in defending their master rapist criminal Farmaajo from ever facing Justice.

Somalia is facing as we speak an existential threat under these tuugo bandit n&n, may Allah rid us from these cancerous parasitic tuugo.