Rooble and sheikh shakir.


When Rooble was putting a khastuumo on Uhuru. Sheikh shakir was also in Nairobi.


this artical is in 2020 when they where defeated

Garowe (SD) – Sheikh Mohammed Shakir in a press release claims to be the president of Galmudug, despite loosing politically in a head on clash with the federal government.

His statement accuses the Somali prime minister of being behind the war in Dhusamareb, calling it a genocide.

The cleric when putting out the statement was in Garowe, Puntland, he then traveled to Kenya, accompanied by Ahlu Sunna leader Mahmoud Sheikh Hassan Farah.

Its not known what the Ahlu Sunna leaders are planning to do in Nairobi, as the Somali federal government packed administration is in charged of former Ahlu Sunna strongholds.

Sheikh Shakir’s claim of being Galmudug’s presidency makes him the third official claiming to be Galmudug President.


Sheikh shakir thanks Deni for his help in capturing guriceel and matabaan.

Deni and Rooble as thick as thieves. a plan well executed.



What xoolo, he thanked PL for helping Galmudug in the fight against shabaab and said the weapons PL gave to Galnus was used against them instead of kebab. Learn afsomaali neefyahow.

LOL like sheikh shakir said he was "fighting al shabaab and not galmudug"

learn to read between the lines. he was thanking puntland. the weapons given to fiqi where handed to ahlul sunnah to fight against qoor qoor.

when ahlul sunnah was fighting the government/ galmudug in 2019/2020 it was puntland that sent couple of cars full of weapons and when they where defeated the first place they went to was puntland and then Nairobi.

you need to know the context of what is going on.

btw the government sent forces to fight against al shabaab in wisil but sheikh shakir did not thank them. he only thanked puntland. that thank with the context shows you what is really happening. but yaa ibn kunta kinta critical thinking is not your forte.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Hassan Qabri Faage
LOL like sheikh shakir said he was "fighting al shabaab and not galmudug"

learn to read between the lines. he was thanking puntland. the weapons given to fiqi where handed to ahlul sunnah to fight against qoor qoor.

when ahlul sunnah was fighting the government/ galmudug in 2019/2020 it was puntland that sent couple of cars full of weapons and when they where defeated the first place they went to was puntland and then Nairobi.

you need to know the context of what is going on.
:francis: What a cow