TRENDING NEWS Roble speaks after meeting with opposition and federal presidents


Listen to what roble says and more importantly al cadaala. Sna opposition will not go anywhere unless he fulfills these promises and he wants them out within 48 hours so he better get to steppin. He also said he will make a comittee of sna military and will not cut pay furthermore hes willing to pay some that werent getting their wages anyway. These guys didnt appear out of thin air they've come out the trenches. All the military rankings stripped by farmaajo reinstated etc.



:pachah1:sharmaajo removed aaw from gedo tv. Admins definetly taking the piss with the thumbnail lol

Also all relations are back to normal with kenya:ooh:

Nn is done, happy days ilaahey aa mahad iskaleh. We move

:pachah1:sharmaajo removed aaw from gedo tv. Admins definetly taking the piss with the thumbnail lol

Also all relations are back to normal with kenya:ooh:

Nn is done, happy days ilaahey aa mahad iskaleh. We move
Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Farmaajo hasn't been in power the last 4 years without a trick up his sleeve.

Wait for election night.


They said only a few militia lol

Theyll be back if roble doesnt fullfill the promises he made and madasha still have their security.


@Jungle kulaha they will be back dude the election campaign has begun, why do you think the qatar is here, why you think saudi is on the way, why you think all this is happening, tartanka doorashada has already begun, 1991 and unuka leh waa laga baxay, shukaansiga siyaasada baa lagu jiraa, new clean slate for siyaasiga mucarad ku sheega but unfortunately, alot of the defectors have lost their jobs, move on saxib.

