It’s OttomAn
Yes I’m a big grammar nazi
U should learn about Muhammad Bire, conqueror of Hooyo’s malawax and shaax
Sorry, it loool it was the feminist #Metoo in me that eliminated the ',man' looooooooooooooooool
Anyone watched it in Netflix! Delicious! I am learning about Mehmet the conqueror of Constantinople
But guys....I have one tiny issue that I need to bring up!
Of course our prophet pbuh predicted Muslims will conquer Constantinople, but Mehmet II could not have done it without the special armies made of Roman youth slaves, who are White and trained as killer soldiers.
Why couldn' they train their own Persians Pashas?
What is it about White races that are brave and bold to die in wars in armies and mass?
Look at American military's. White boys in mass ready to die in the name of military's.
While our Pasha Saudis are busy eating barriss and drink dark coffeee
With Arabs--bravery comes in the form of lone terrorists who are suicidal.
With Whites bravery comes in mass population
Mehmet II could not have won his Constantinople without these captured slave white boys who later became Sultans and contaminated the line of Sultan line with White race mixed with Persian spice
Cadaans are born for complex military combat...they are not scared of anything even if they are severly outmatched. They are disciplined and organizational..two things that other groups lack. The seige of vienna showed their might and the battle with charlemegne demonstrated this.
The persians are indo-european in culture so they have that same toughness like cadaans just not well organized.
Arabs are not built for structured, complex combat...thats why they had so much success in early years of the caliphate which was based purely on swarming tactics but struggled later on and in modern times
Plenty of successful Middle Eastern empires and dynasties had huge White/Persian slave soldiers.But guys....I have one tiny issue that I need to bring up!
Of course our prophet pbuh predicted Muslims will conquer Constantinople, but Mehmet II could not have done it without the special armies made of Roman youth slaves, who are White and trained as killer soldiers.
Why couldn' they train their own Persians Pashas?
What is it about White races that are brave and bold to die in wars in armies and mass?
Look at American military's. White boys in mass ready to die in the name of military's.
While our Pasha Saudis are busy eating barriss and drink dark coffeee
With Arabs--bravery comes in the form of lone terrorists who are suicidal.
With Whites bravery comes in mass population
Mehmet II could not have won his Constantinople without these captured slave white boys who later became Sultans and contaminated the line of Sultan line with White race mixed with Persian spice
Fantastic analysis Abdi Nur
SO will u clearly agree, ALL races are not created equally? Every race has a good strong side and a weak side.
Cadaans are best suited in bravery, organization and discipline
It's not the best presentation of historical account.Anyone watched it in Netflix! Delicious! I am learning about Mehmet the conqueror of Constantinople
I searched his Wiki and couldn't find any homosexual references.@Abdi Nur
I just completed the entire series. I wish they would have just heard academic speak about Mehmet than having actors play out his story.
I went to Wikipedia and I was SHOCKED to learn Mehmet was bisexual?
In the series Mehmet keeps on quoting Alexander the great. I thought it was odd because Alexander was also bisexual.
Wikipedia says he had male lovers. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl
Unless all conquerors are given gay or bisexual labels because of their great name and myth! But I was surprised. lol
I searched his Wiki and couldn't find any homosexual references.