Replacing Quran Dugsi with math, reading and science.

Hassan mahat

I karbash wahabist salafis daily.
Imagine Instead of all the time we spent in dugsi, we spent improving our mathematical and scientific knowledge. We can still learn Quran on the side too. We will advance as a society. Kids will like math and will develop their problem solving skills very early.


why not just have both? u can find time to do both of them. i do wish some somali parents were more strict on their child's education and their hobbies.


You need people like me
100% agree. My family only took me and my siblings to Dugsi for 2 hours every Saturday . Mon-Friday was purely for academic work.
For once I agree I’ve wasted so much time on dugsi with a macaliin that barely taught and just sat drinking shah I’ve read more Quran in lockdown then in dugsi I actually think we should get a better education system for dugsi because I’m not paying for my kids to be beat up for learning about a religion of peace

