"Rep. Omar Says Republicans Who Enabled Trump ‘Have Blood On Their Hands’ | All In | MSNBC"

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

I don't agree with all of her politics but I don't agree with her having to fear for her life from white nationalist terrorists.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

I don't agree with liberalism but I don't think supporting these kind of people is the right approach. I think we should oppose liberalism with Quran and Sunnah- not with supporting armed neo nazi terrorists.

Hassan mahat

I karbash wahabist salafis daily.
Ilhan Omar shits on white supremacist on the daily. She wears the hijab and speaks her mind which pisses them off so much :mjlol:

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Ilhan Omar shits on white supremacist on the daily. She wears the hijab and speaks her mind which pisses them off so much :mjlol:

well you actually talked about ripping the hijab off a Muslim woman on here. I'm not for liberalism nor for white nationalism. I'm against both.


A pious muslima.

leftists are a bunch of hypocrites.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
however- the white nationalists took terrorism to a level that even blm and antifa hadn't taken it. ideas are one thing but terrorism is going past a line that shouldn't be crossed. we shouldn't accept for either side to go past that line.

furthermore- we have Islam. I don't think we need leftism or rightism. We have Islam to guide us, we don't need to adopt alien ideology whether it is leftism or rightism.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I have made multiple threads against blm and antifa and I've made posts against them for their engaging in terrorism.

When they were the big terrorist threat- I was against them.

My view is the bigger problem is whichever side is the bigger terrorist threat at the moment.

If someone has wrong ideas, whatever. But when people go into terrorism- that is different. Someone having wrong ideas is more minor in comparison to them physically attacking people.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
lol look at her saying she fears for her life... :comeon:

it is crazy to support people who want to kill you. the word "cucked" gets thrown around a lot these days.

someone wants to attack you and kill you and say "wow, what a warrior!" and you support them.... I mean that is an extreme form of "cucked".

historically, you see the warriors on the other side and you want to destroy them.

I don't think we should side with either or fall into the trap of thinking we have to be on either side. I think we should stand on our own two legs and represent our own position independent of either.


A pious muslima.
I have made multiple threads against blm and antifa and I've made posts against them for their engaging in terrorism.

When they were the big terrorist threat- I was against them.

My view is the bigger problem is whichever side is the bigger terrorist threat at the moment.

If someone has wrong ideas, whatever. But when people go into terrorism- that is different. Someone having wrong ideas is more minor in comparison to them physically attacking people.
Death is part of life... worst thing a far-right can do to you is kill you... if you are upon your deen at that state by the mercy of Allah you will be accorded Jannah the biggest reward.
but Leftist are slowly but surely making Muslims go astray by their propaganda look how liberal Muslims became est to the west (accepting idea like abortion, dating, homosexualities etc...)

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Death is part of life... worst thing a far-right can do to you is kill you

So Islamically we should support people who want to kill us?

Where is the precedent in Islam for that?

Islamically we should be against both sides. We don't have to be in favor of either. We should stand in favor of what's right even if we're alone in that stance.


A pious muslima.
it is crazy to support people who want to kill you. the word "cucked" gets thrown around a lot these days.

someone wants to attack you and kill you and say "wow, what a warrior!" and you support them.... I mean that is an extreme form of "cucked".

historically, you see the warriors on the other side and you want to destroy them.

I don't think we should side with either or fall into the trap of thinking we have to be on either side. I think we should stand on our own two legs and represent our own position independent of either.
again I am not siding by pleasure but by lack of choice...
if we truly wanted to live under sharia we should all return in Africa, make somalia-Djibouti great Muslim nation again... but we are in the west.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
historically, someone wants to kill you, you ready yourself to fight them.... you don't cheer and support the person who wants to kill you

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
again I am not siding by pleasure but by lack of choice...
if we truly wanted to live under sharia we should all return in Africa, make somalia-Djibouti great Muslim nation again... but we are in the west.

We do not have a lack of choice. You can be in favor of Islam no matter where you are.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.

-Surah Al-Baqarah 2:190

The Quran specifically says to fight those who fight you. Yes, pushing homo stuff is wrong but fighting Muslims is a problem as well and probably even worse. Islamically, we have to be against both.

The Muslim armies would go onto the battlefields to fight the enemies- not necessarily the ones who are excessively liberal.

Afghanistan is an example. When the leftist Soviets invaded- they fought the Soviets. When the US invaded- they fought the US.

Whether left or right made no difference- they fought whoever attacked them.


A pious muslima.
So Islamically we should support people who want to kill us?

Where is the precedent in Islam for that?

Islamically we should be against both sides. We don't have to be in favor of either. We should stand in favor of what's right even if we're alone in that stance.
I think you are making thing. I will certainly not applause someone who wants to kill me and neither I vote for the right. but I can recognise the honesty of the right.... they don’t like us and they tell us ... not like lying backstabbing left.
Yes in the west we lack choice it’s left or right to govern ... we lack choice as a Muslim and have to choose the lesser evil as a government.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I think you are making thing. I will certainly not applause someone who wants to kill me and neither I vote for the right. but I can recognise the honesty of the right.... they don’t like us and they tell us ... not like lying backstabbing left.
Yes in the west we lack choice it’s left or right to govern ... we lack choice as a Muslim and have to choose the lesser evil as a government.

We have to be against both. And the more immediate threat is whoever is out to attack you at the moment.

Afghanistan is the example. Left or right made no difference. They fought whoever was attacking them at the moment.

