Religious Scholars In Somalia: “War Against Al-Shabaab Is Jihad”


They also called for the creating of a Supreme Council of Somali scholars which will come under the government. This sounds good on the surface but it is a slippery slope if abused like in other countries where even the Friday khutbahs are written by the government and only the brand of Islam favoured by the State is allowed. We might be entering an era of Wadaadocracy

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Where was this fatwa from scholars and imams for the last 15 years? People more concerned about women’s ankles then extremism and khat
Where was this fatwa from scholars and imams for the last 15 years? People more concerned about women’s ankles then extremism and khat

That's the problem with a lot of Muslim men, they think Islam is first and foremost about managing a woman's dress code. Imagine if they were normal and told men to also lower their gaze. But I guess that wouldn't work with the agenda of finding 3 other wives, you need eyes for that.
Look at these shabaab sympathizers

There're not only sympathizers, but also used as a tool to further spread AS and ISIS propaganda. Many of them, most likely managed by their extensive media unit too. It's even hard to go through Somali twitter, in particular, without stumbling upon these accounts. And it's not something new either. :mindblown::lawd:

"Twitter used to be a cool place to share your succinct thoughts. Now al-Shabab, the vicious Somali allies of al-Qaida, is using it as a propaganda venue."


These Sheihks so damn concerned about our bodies, marriages, gaze, dress, and vaginas that they finally have come to this conclusion after 20 f***ing years :comeon: most of Somalia has been destroyed already:fredo::manny:

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Look at these shabaab sympathizers

AUN to the somali martyrs who have died fighting against these doggs of hell. Still, we need to take the 2nd tweet seriously. Al-shabaab has used Somali governments foreign help as propaganda, claiming they are traitors who work with gaals. That is undeniably true but much more preferable then shabaab.

What Somali government should do to have legitimacy should be expelling amisom forces and ngos from Somalia. Not an easy task at all. NGOs can be replaced by local ones. This will help the image of the government among citizens.