Relief from Depression Part 1

This is an excerpt from one of Farhat Hashmi’s speeches. Its translated more or less meaning.

Its blessing that Allah created us as a human being not an animal. If Allah had intended to create us as dog, cat or donkey we would have been powerless to change that. Its his favor that he made us Muslims. We recognize Allah through these gifts and blessings. We have to learn that type of life that Allah wants from us. Its unfortunate that due to us being unaware or ignorant of that type of life and knowledge we become a target of a lot of difficulties.

In these times despite the material progress which has given rise to other challenging issues. A person is occupied with different types of worries. During these times, one of the worries or important illness that a human being faces is depression, it can also be termed spiritual illness. Every second or third person today talks about depression. We need to ask ourselves what is causing depression? What is depression? What are its signs? And what is its cure?

Another meaning of depression is sadness, grief, despair, lacking motivation, tired of this world, not participating fully in activities of this world. This is condition that humans face. Every human has to certain degree face sadness & sorrow. But the difference between normal and an ill individual. A condition or difficulty comes over normal person & he is able to recover after it. He is able to fight against that circumstance. But when an individual is unable to fight against this undesirable condition so much so it overwhelms him then he should realize he is suffering from depression.

We should first know what are the means to depression. Remember depression just doesn’t come about. There are deep reasons as to what causes depression. Sometimes the environment of that individual that makes him depressed. What is in one’s environment for example one’s home, family, workplace on the whole complete society.

Based on experience, more important than the external conditions such as society it’s the condition of the home that have the ability to negatively affect person.

Especially that home where its inhabitants are bereft of love, compassion, willingness to forgive one another. That family which contains suspicion, difference of opinion. Specifically those individuals that grew up with parents which didn’t give them attention, deprived them of their love and abused them.

Similar to this, sometimes one is internally conflicted that becomes a means of depression. What is this conflict? In human being, there are some desires. And those are inherent/natural desires. And those times when one is unable to fulfill that desire. Or that desire has exceeded its limits. Or that desire wants to exceed what is permissable. And society, religion, condition, circumstance or environment is becoming an obstacle. For example heart desires something but his circumstance don’t allow him, he cannot afford it, his family doesn’t allow him, his religion doesn’t allow him. Thus, this internal conflict can also be a means for one to fall into depression.



Getting draids inshallah
Obey your God, his Rules, and be relieved from depression. Disobey him, and please film your suffering for the rest of us.

@sheikhonderun Did I get this right?