Relatives back home who think they are entitled to your money

Just because I work in the West doesn't mean I have a unlimited amount of money in my bank account. Every time I visit back home for a holiday there's only some entitled relative asking what you got them or asking you for money once in a while. I have fob relatives back home who never even ask about me all year around. Not even one whatsapp message I get from them

They appear out of nowhere when they know I'm coming to visit a few weeks.
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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Don't visit Somalia then. Problem solved


That's why i say teach them a useful skill or choose the brightest idiot and give him enough to start a small business so he can hire the other bums. Get the whole family to chip in or don't feed the addiction.

Teach a man to fish and he'll never go hungry. Which ironically amuses me how somalis starve with such a long coastline.

Just because I work in the West doesn't mean I have a unlimited amount of money in my bank account. Every time I visit back home for a holiday there's only some entitled relative asking what you got them or asking you for money once in a while. I have fob relatives back home who never even ask about me all year around. Not even one whatsapp message I get from them

They appear out of nowhere when they know I'm coming to visit a few weeks.
Lol give what you can. Dont let them burden you.
That's why i say teach them a useful skill or choose the brightest idiot and give him enough to start a small business so he can hire the other bums. Get the whole family to chip in or don't feed the addiction.

Teach a man to fish and he'll never go hungry. Which ironically amuses me how somalis starve with such a long coastline.


Some of my relatives had chance after chance to make something of themselves. I have one uncle back home who has a degree in law. Guess what he ended up doing? Driving a fucking taxi. He did that out of his own choice and not because he couldn't find work as a lawyer.

Another cousin of mine back home has a degree in accounting. He got offered a nice salary in Saudi Arabia but turned it down cause he said he would prefer to stay in Sudan that was pretty insane of him to say that since most Sudanese people living in Sudan dream about leaving and getting job aboard especially in the Gulf or in Europe/The West. Guess what. He couldn't find a job in his field(in Sudan) and is now working as a security guard in a shitty bank lol.
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That's why i say teach them a useful skill or choose the brightest idiot and give him enough to start a small business so he can hire the other bums. Get the whole family to chip in or don't feed the addiction.

Teach a man to fish and he'll never go hungry. Which ironically amuses me how somalis starve with such a long coastline.



I legit have that conversation with my family everyday. Our ancestors didn't starve during droughts, yet these people have a famine every year and beg the west to feed them, despite having so much water and seafood readily available. Somalis need to give up the goat and camel every once in a while and eat tuna. Too bad they sold all their fishing rights to the Chinese for like 900 thousand shillings or something. China will clear that water out by lunch.


I understand ur frustration my brother, the ignorance back home is due to lack of education and extreme poverty. If you can, toss them $100 or so. To you, it might be small inconvenience but to them, it is food security for a month. :)
The average somali sends several hundred a month and youre complaining about a few gifts a year :kodaksmiley:

come on bruv

I send gifts because the moment I start to give them money, they start trying to extort me for more money. I will occasionally send money to an ill relative back home or if someone needs it.

Also 100 dollars is nothing. I would witness my mum sending sometimes 600 dollars every few months to her poor ass siblings even when she was in debt.