Reer Xamar ka yaabay horumarka Hargeisa ka socda

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Una soo xamaal tagay si ay Somaliland uga shaqaystaan.
Kuwii u dhashay baa Shaqo waayey its common knowledge the migration is the other way around

Walahi I am not lying, him other Xamarawis are working in Hargeisa more than two years now.

We are not a racists, we don't care other Somalis who live and work in Somaliland, unlike reer Koonfur.


ᶜᵃʷᵒ ᶜᵃʷˡᵒ
Some reer xamar work in Hargeysa; some Hargeysawis sometimes seek better life in Xamar. And there's nothing wrong with that. Joojiya muranka hadaba.

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
How come all of your posts luck any content? You just post a empty picture to stare at without any writing mise waxaagu waa buuxiya meelaha banan?


Reer xamars visit, live and work in Hargeisa and vice versa. Maxad ula yabantahay ileen Reer Djibouti iyo Jigjigaba sido kale waa laga helaa Hargeisa? :ayaanswag::farmajoyaab:
Reer xamars visit, live and work in Hargeisa and vice versa. Maxad ula yabantahay ileen Reer Djibouti iyo Jigjigaba sido kale waa laga helaa Hargeisa? :ayaanswag::farmajoyaab:

Waxaan ula yaabanahay, reer Koonfur haddii qof reer Somaliland ah arkaan afka ayaanay ka dhigayn, wuu noo soo shaqo tagay!.

Markaa waxaan tusayaa uun in Somaliland kuwa usoo shaqo taga ee Reer Xamarkaa cidina ku shinbara waaqlayn.
Horumur for some people = a few cheap, can-collapse-at-any-moment buildings. Not a care that below those buildings people are starving and thirsty.

But congrats tho, some people dont even have the buildings!
Horumur for some people = a few cheap, can-collapse-at-any-moment buildings. Not a care that below those buildings people are starving and thirsty.

But congrats tho, some people dont even have the buildings!

Subxaan allaah, the amount of hatred and xaasidnimo of reer Koonfur is too damn high.

Is it really that hard, just to say 'Maasha allaah'.

Some times makes me wonder why Reer Koonfur is in this endless mess and anarchy. Is because of xaaaidnino and jealousy.
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