Reer Somalispot welcome your new moderator

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Sprognævnet droppede start-komma, så nu er det muligt at fortage helt anderledes sætningsstrukturer. Jeg tro, at du har været væk for længe til at kun genkende sproget. Det har udviklet sig en smule, og det bliver påvirket af meget af Norsk for tiden. :manny:

Skide nordmænd. De er ikke til at stole på. Kommer bare til landet for at ændre sporget smh. Hvad fanden bilder de sig ind? De er jo værre end de islamister der kommer nede fra arabien landet. Hvad fanden bilder de sig ind, skide nordmænd.
Djibooty ii geeya


She is ready for ya :pachah1:
question why do djibouti/somaliland flags have the star on them when they want nothing to do with somalia? isn't the 5 stars supposed to represent a unified somalinimo?
Skide nordmænd. De er ikke til at stole på. Kommer bare til landet for at ændre sporget smh. Hvad fanden bilder de sig ind? De er jo værre end de islamister der kommer nede fra arabien landet. Hvad fanden bilder de sig ind, skide nordmænd.

They are to may Danes on this site :dabcasar: We need to have qouta of one:siilaanyosmile:
Don't insult me like that :damn: I will never touch Jylland frivilligt!

Måske er det bare, fordi du har været væk for længe. Du har ikke været indenfor landet i over et årti? Det er rigtig langtid :browtf:

Er du en kobenhaver???? and here I was ready to cut u some slack because I thought you was en bonerov, Pia kjærsgaaard would have you deported straight back to somalia for that comment :damn: kulaha norsk influences jeg har aldrig :damn:
Stay in the West while the patriots return to help build up what was once a great nation to be proud of :salute:

Ehtioptia is there to avoid the bombs hitting them and they are destabilizing. As late as a few weeks ago a ship load of weapons came from them to Al-shabbab in Kismayoo :comeon:

I'm glad your focusing on developing your regions :icon lol: It's all I wanted for you

Habashis and destabilization :icon lol: oh what would we do without them

swigitty swooty y'all need to not sell what remains of Somalia to kenya

I'm sure jubbaland has some wonderful fertile lands on offer, super cheap too :heh:
question why do djibouti/somaliland flags have the star on them when they want nothing to do with somalia? isn't the 5 stars supposed to represent a unified somalinimo?

Beat me, why call yourself SOMALI-land when you don't want to be a part of SOMALIA is weird to :manny:

I think it shows a subconscious desire to be one people :damedamn:
Er du en kobenhaver???? and here I was ready to cut u some slack because I thought you was en bonerov, Pia kjærsgaaard would have you deported straight back to somalia for that comment :damn: kulaha norsk influences jeg har aldrig :damn:

I'm glad your focusing on developing your regions :icon lol: It's all I wanted for you

Habashis and destabilization :icon lol: oh what would we do without them

I'm sure jubbaland has some wonderful fertile lands on offer, super cheap too :heh:

You need to stop doing that, I have a weak bladder :dead:

Why do you think I'm marrying white? Pia Kjærsgaard will have one look on my kartoffel-børn, og derefter tigger mig om at blive for opfroster kartofflerne :damn:

My region will become developed, Somalia is entering an age of peace and coorperation, the civil war is fading for real :damedamn:

They have, but the moist is killing me. My sweat-glands stop working so I had to pant like a dog without AC:damn:


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me

She is ready for ya :pachah1:
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL See this is why I need photoshopping skills :faysalwtf::ileycry:

Iska iloow sheekadaas, we will erase the disgusting stench of frenchnimo from y'all, tell that geele fellow to kick rocks, and push the Afars to the sea

LoL half the country is Afars territory, we're not gonna throw the out of their own homes, they're not Bantus.:farole:
Though we Somalis do dominate politics/everything else :mjlol:

question why do djibouti/somaliland flags have the star on them when they want nothing to do with somalia? isn't the 5 stars supposed to represent a unified somalinimo?
Because we "might" want to reunify once y'all get your act straight.:manny:
With might being a key-word here:browtf:
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL See this is why I need photoshopping skills :faysalwtf::ileycry:

LoL half the country is Afars territory, we're not gonna throw the out of their own homes, they're not Bantus.:farole:
Though we Somalis do dominate politics/everything else :mjlol:

Because we "might" want to reunify once y'all get your act straight.:manny:
With might being a key-word here:browtf:
honestly djbaouti is a tuff sell. because 1. i think its half somali half afar?...with substantial amount of yemenis. are somalis the majority? 2. they never got the chance to unify thanks to the french so technically them putting the star there was as close as they could get.


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
honestly djbaouti is a tuff sell. because 1. i think its half somali half afar?...with substantial amount of yemenis. are somalis the majority? 2. they never got the chance to unify thanks to the french so technically them putting the star there was as close as they could get.
Yup half the territory is Afar, the rest s for the Ciise, there aren't enough yemenis for us to worry about though:yacadiim:

Maybe so but I see no reason to reunite what so ever with the current Somalia, Somaliland though seems promising.
Didn't we open an embassy there recently.
honestly djbaouti is a tuff sell. because 1. i think its half somali half afar?...with substantial amount of yemenis. are somalis the majority? 2. they never got the chance to unify thanks to the french so technically them putting the star there was as close as they could get.

"The two largest ethnic groups are the Somali (60%) and the Afar (35%). The Somali clan component is mainly composed of the Issas, a sub-clan of the larger Dir. The remaining 5% of Djibouti's population primarily consists of Arabs, Ethiopians and Europeans (French and Italians)."

We still got a chance if we get our act together :dabcasar:
I'm sorry but who gave u guys the monopoly over the word somali :mjpls: weren't both regions colonised around the same time
We're just using the name our colonialist gave us, like u :stevej:

You need to stop doing that, I have a weak bladder :dead:

Why do you think I'm marrying white? Pia Kjærsgaard will have one look on my kartoffel-børn, og derefter tigger mig om at blive for opfroster kartofflerne :damn:

My region will become developed, Somalia is entering an age of peace and coorperation, the civil war is fading for real :damedamn:

They have, but the moist is killing me. My sweat-glands stop working so I had to pant like a dog without AC:damn:

I thought it was just me but @You i think you're suss as well you, my sheegato senses are tingling are you perhaps a flygtning??? that might explain the next danish, for you sake i hope not. Din kartoffel-børn children won't be able to save u :damn:
Yup half the territory is Afar, the rest s for the Ciise, there aren't enough yemenis for us to worry about though:yacadiim:

Maybe so but I see no reason to reunite what so ever with the current Somalia, Somaliland though seems promising.
Didn't we open an embassy there recently.
*sees you insinuating somaliland and somalia are different from one another*


*supresses urge to block*

true. do the afars even want that? why would they want their country whose they own half of to be sold to the somalis and effectively become a minority? do they consider themselves on of us?


Somali liberals can't agree on the issue of Somaliland because Somaliland stands for everything against liberal values. It is
against freedom of movement, freedom of speech and it is also against multiculturalism. I am afraid the liberal lot have
already worked that out.

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