Reer PL shipping through Berbera port

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Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe

@Saahid Qamaan Damn Paul was foreal:dwill:

Soomaaliya waxay leedahay dekado dhawr ah, waxaana loogu isticmaal badan yahay Dekadda Muqdisho, Dekadda Berbera oo maamulka Somaliland hayo iyo Dekadda Bosaso oo maamulka Puntland gacanta ku hayo.

Dekadaha Berbera iyo Muqdisho waxaa gacanta ku haya shirkado laga kala lee yahay dalalka Turkiga iyo Imaaraadka carabta, Dekadda Bosaso dhawaan ayaa lagu wareejiyey shirkadda P&O Ports Limited oo la mataaneysan shirkadda DP World ee dalka Imaaraadka carabta, waxaana saamigeeda 100% si gaar ah u leh Shaikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum oo ah Sheekha Mandiqada Dubai.

Kadib wareejintii dekadda Bosaso waxaa is bedalay maamulkii, waxaana muran xooggan ka dhex aloosmay ganacsatada, wakiilada doonyuhu u kireysan yihiin iyo maaulka Puntland iyo weliba shirkadda P&O oo dhinac ah, muranka xoogiisa ayaa la xiriira khidmadda lagu kordhiyey alaabaha dekadda ka soo dega.

Wasaaradda Dekadaha iyo gadiidka Badda ee Puntland ayaa saxaafadda u soo bandhigtey in dekadda Bosaso ay tahay midda ugu khidmada yar saddexda dekadood ee dalka ka shaqeeya, waxaana ay ku eedeyeen ganacsatada qaarkeed in ay yihiin manaxayaal, kuwaas oo badeecadaha qaarkood kala dega dekadda Berbera bixiyana dhaqaale aad uga badan tan Bosaso, laakiin ay doonayaan in dekadda Bosaso indhaha isugu qabtaan.

Wasaaradda dekadaha ayaa tusaale u soo qaadatey raashinka daruuriga ah sida bariiska sonkorta burka iyo wixii lamid ah in dekadda Bosaso looga dejiyo halkii ton (1000kg) khidmad dhan $0.8 halka Berbera ay tahay $3.5, dekadda Muqdisho ay tahay tan ugu qaalisan oo gareysa $16.8, Ganacsatada Muqdisho iyo Berbera ay oggol yihiin in a bixiyaan khidmadaas halka Ganacsatada Bosaaso qaarkood ay diidan yihiin tan Bosaso oo ay ka doorbideen in ay indhaha isugu qabtaan dekadda sida Wasaaraddu ku eedeysey.

Sidoo kale Wasaaraddu waxay sheegtey in kiraalayaasha doonyuhu ay isbeddel ku sameeyeen lacagtii ay kirada uga qaadi jireen alabaaha ay soo qaadayaan waxaana ay tusaale u soo qaateen in gaariga yar ee ka soo baxaya Dubai ay ka qaadi jireen $100, laakiin ay hadda ay qaadaan $150 iyaga oo ku andacoonaya in qiimaha khidmadda ee dekadda Bosaso kor loo qaadey, markii ay soo gaaraan xeebta Boosaaso aysan u dejin ganacsatada oo ay abaabulaan mudaaharaadyo iyo kacdoon shacab.

shaxda qiimaha ay kiraalayaashu kordhiyeen

CUMMAN:- Gaadiidka ka yimaada waxaa halkii tan lagu daray 5 Dollar waxaana laga dhigay $27 halka uu ka ahaa 22Dollar. (kirada Doonyaha).
DUBAI:- Baabuurka yar waxaa lagu daray kirada $100, Baabuurka Dhexe waxaa lagu daray $150. (Kirada Doonyaha)
Shidaalka waxaa lagu daray 3 Dollar fuustadii, 1 Kartoon oo kasta waxaa lagu daray 1Dirham. (kirada Doonyaha ).
DUBAI:- Halkii Kunteendhar waxaa lagu kordhiyey 700 Dirham. (Kirada Doonyaha).
Xogta qiime kordhinta kirada doonyaha waxaa laga soo xigtey wasaaradda dekadaha Puntland.

Shaxda Hoose waxay muujineysa in dekadda Bosaso tahay midda ugu qiimaha jaban Soomaaliya oo dhan.

We welcome our PL neighbors in these troubled times to use our port as Paul Formosa continues his tyranny.

Jesus told us 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself'.
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Can someone explain who Paul is? I have seen his name mentioned in number of topics here. :)


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Mr. @xisaabiye apparently cannot read Somali. Bosaso port is the cheapest of all ports in Somalia, the article is exposing the businessmen who are complaining about fees in Bosaso.

Important section;

Wasaaradda Dekadaha iyo gadiidka Badda ee Puntland ayaa saxaafadda u soo bandhigtey in dekadda Bosaso ay tahay midda ugu khidmada yar saddexda dekadood ee dalka ka shaqeeya, waxaana ay ku eedeyeen ganacsatada qaarkeed in ay yihiin manaxayaal, kuwaas oo badeecadaha qaarkood kala dega dekadda Berbera bixiyana dhaqaale aad uga badan tan Bosaso, laakiin ay doonayaan in dekadda Bosaso indhaha isugu qabtaan.

Wasaaradda dekadaha ayaa tusaale u soo qaadatey raashinka daruuriga ah sida bariiska sonkorta burka iyo wixii lamid ah in dekadda Bosaso looga dejiyo halkii ton (1000kg) khidmad dhan $0.8 halka Berbera ay tahay $3.5, dekadda Muqdisho ay tahay tan ugu qaalisan oo gareysa $16.8, Ganacsatada Muqdisho iyo Berbera ay oggol yihiin in a bixiyaan khidmadaas halka Ganacsatada Bosaaso qaarkood ay diidan yihiin tan Bosaso oo ay ka doorbideen in ay indhaha isugu qabtaan dekadda sida Wasaaraddu ku eedeysey.

Sidoo kale Wasaaraddu waxay sheegtey in kiraalayaasha doonyuhu ay isbeddel ku sameeyeen lacagtii ay kirada uga qaadi jireen alabaaha ay soo qaadayaan waxaana ay tusaale u soo qaateen in gaariga yar ee ka soo baxaya Dubai ay ka qaadi jireen $100, laakiin ay hadda ay qaadaan $150 iyaga oo ku andacoonaya in qiimaha khidmadda ee dekadda Bosaso kor loo qaadey, markii ay soo gaaraan xeebta Boosaaso aysan u dejin ganacsatada oo ay abaabulaan mudaaharaadyo iyo kacdoon shacab.

Bosaso, even with the higher rates imposed by P&O, has very very low rates compared to Berbera and Mogadishu. The businessmen who are complaining do not want to pay a fraction of what they pay in other ports.


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
Mr. @xisaabiye apparently cannot read Somali. Bosaso port is the cheapest of all ports in Somalia, the article is exposing the businessmen who are complaining about fees in Bosaso.

Important section;

Bosaso, even with the higher rates imposed by P&O, has very very low rates compared to Berbera and Mogadishu. The businessmen who are complaining do not want to pay a fraction of what they pay in other ports.

Where am I debating the price of imports through other ports? What's wrong with this :drakewtf:


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
I think he refers to the title which most would agree has little to nothing of relevance to the post you made.

Reer PL shipping through PL, its completely relevant. They're willing to refuse to use Bosaaso because of increased costs and will pay 4 times the amount in protest. Ma wax aan meesha kujirin ban soobandhigay?
Reer PL shipping through PL, its completely relevant. They're willing to refuse to use Bosaaso because of increased costs and will pay 4 times the amount in protest. Ma wax aan meesha kujirin ban soobandhigay?
I did not see that part, raali gelin baan ka bixinayaa. Although I really question it being true.
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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I did not see that part, raali gelin baan ka bixinayaa.

You didn't see that part because it doesn't exist. Xisaabiye is desperate for our recognition. No businesses or businessmen has opted for Berbera to sabotage Bosaso.
You didn't see that part because it doesn't exist. Xisaabiye is desperate for our recognition. No businesses or businessmen has opted for Berbera to sabotage Bosaso.
The article does mention: "(...) kuwaas oo badeecadaha qaarkood kala dega dekadda Berbera bixiyana dhaqaale aad uga badan tan Bosaso...".
It is very far-fetched, to say the least. I would need concrete evidence to believe such, it really does not make sense on any level.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
The article does mention: "(...) kuwaas oo badeecadaha qaarkood kala dega dekadda Berbera bixiyana dhaqaale aad uga badan tan Bosaso...".
It is very far-fetched, to say the least. I would need concrete evidence to believe such, it really does not make sense on any level.

I think he's referring to that. Nowhere does it say they it say they started using Berbera to protest. Those businessmen always made use of Berbera and Mogadishu, and paid more, but are complaining about Bosaso. That's what the article says. But Xisaabiye and co are desperate for an economic boost from the region with the highest income per capita and highest education enrollment. Teeda kale he is a laangaab habar jeclo who is bragging about a port owned by Habar awal.
Mr. @xisaabiye apparently cannot read Somali. Bosaso port is the cheapest of all ports in Somalia, the article is exposing the businessmen who are complaining about fees in Bosaso.

Important section;

Bosaso, even with the higher rates imposed by P&O, has very very low rates compared to Berbera and Mogadishu. The businessmen who are complaining do not want to pay a fraction of what they pay in other ports.

Notice how the guys who can’t read somali copy and paste by sprinkling balayo in the translation. LoooL


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
I think he's referring to that. Nowhere does it say they it say they started using Berbera to protest. Those businessmen always made use of Berbera and Mogadishu, and paid more, but are complaining about Bosaso. That's what the article says. But Xisaabiye and co are desperate for an economic boost from the region with the highest income per capita and highest education enrollment. Teeda kale he is a laangaab habar jeclo who is bragging about a port owned by Habar awal.

Kkkk have the decency to tag me like the other ilma douglas. Berbera entire East is inhabited by HJ.

Langaab is when you have dacaayad about your clan because of their non stop faan "majerteen iyo inti madax madow ba siman". I see mj use this to act like laandheer but they don't know it was historically a diss and showing how yall faan like women, inti madax madow meaning the black headed sheeps in the millions:pachah1:


Berbera mayor is HA/CM and vice mayor is HY/Muuse Cabdalle. Generally HJ have no deegaan in Berbera and live outside it.


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
Berbera mayor is HA/CM and vice mayor is HY/Muuse Cabdalle. Generally HJ have no deegaan in Berbera and live outside it.

Wallahi oo bilaahi the entire East berbera is HJ. That's why indho deero has the quarantine there, anybody who's spent time can tell you that. Adigu waad iska hadasha, making topics like Sanaag is Hy & doesn't accept muuse biixi:mjkkk:
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