Reer Gedo in xamar declare war


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Sade was allegedly the brother of Kablalax so how can Kablalax be the laangaab one?

When Kablalax clans ALL stand alone politically ? Whereas Langaab Sade cannot even stand alone as it is just Marehan and Facaaye, the invincible tribe.

We don't even need each other because we have the most landmass and the highest population

However, if your langaab tribe ever tries to sabotage one of us, we are united against you.

Kablalax is a nation, not even a qabiil and you will never sit with us as equals.

Say it again abaayo invincible somaha:banderas: :denzelnigga:

Sade is the eldest son of Jeberti and the most landeere and largest alx. Kab iyo Lax are langaab. Don't even use the Kab iyo Lax card bc you langaab it's not a thing that functions as one lol. DBlock, Warsans, Dishishe, Jidwaaq don't identify as that they aren't slaves. Landeere Sade always been a standalone clan in all of existence.

We have the highest population and land mash'allah. Langaab go form as the transformers bc we all know your weak. Go beg the others they won't join you against the Boqor of Jeberti MX. I still own y'all. Sade is the greatest royal noble nation. Sade is above you guys kkk


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Jealousy is an illness and that's why you break out in hives and foam at the mouth when we decide to unite as Kablalax, the power house of the horn.

Ka naxa oo nafta waaya.

Aameen dhaha

If anybody is jealous and is suffering is y'all. Talk about obsessed can't even go a day without mentioning us :deadrose: you guys foam when you hear MX. Kab iyo Lax is a fake narrative used by weak Zanzibari's and Oromo wardays as of late bc us Boqors/Ugaases own y'all :mjhaps: Only powerhouse I acknowledge is Sade the only one in the Horn