We thanks our brothers from reer Sanaag.
President Deni yesterday said the Aid came even from Buhoodle.Weirdly haven't heard any aid from lascanood / Buhoodle / Sool
just cause you look bantu doesn't mean we have to look like youIs this myworld guy warsangali? Daroodist like to use the indian sultans pic, so its not clear what his clan is
i feel that this myworld dude is a sheegaato, the way he rides or die for marexaan is suspect
Weirdly haven't heard any aid from lascanood / Buhoodle / Sool
Is this myworld guy warsangali? Daroodist like to use the indian sultans pic, so its not clear what his clan is
He's a staunch N&N and Siyad Barre fani feel that this myworld dude is a sheegaato, the way he rides or die for marexaan is suspect
i know some n&n Warsangeli but none were as obsessed with Siad as him this nigga ain't WarsangeliHe is from Sool but N&N put him in charge of all the SSC regions, he blocks you very fast if you comment any anti N&N mesaage.
Isn't PL supposed to be the richest province
I lost brain cells reading this post. Your obsession with PL is something else.
Wheres all the Billions you all been raving about
That man has the worse fom of cuqdad.Seek mental help asap. Even during a natural disaster you can’t help yourself, you are shameless.
@PhySomPresident Deni yesterday said the Aid came even from Buhoodle.
PL are one allxamdulla.Reer Buuhoodle support their Harti brothers
PL are one allxamdulla.
We thank them as well