Red Pill

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Abdi Africca

Young Muslim man stuck in Canada.
Isn't "redpill" supposed to be enlightenment amongst young Caucasian men in the first World to specific truths that their respective upbringings wouldn't have made them privy to?

If so, masturbation has EVERYTHING do with "redpill". I grew up in Canada my youth thinking that not only was draining the pipes healthy, but of the upmost importance so as to keep my tendencies at bay. is completely false Jewish propaganda that must be eradicted for the Sonali diaspora to have ANY chance at whatever their parents deemed success when they fled our motherland


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
The red pill is the only answer to the ever growing endemic bias against men in the West.
The redpill is realizing these assholes are utter charlatans. The blackpill is you can't to anything about it.


Abdi Africca

Young Muslim man stuck in Canada.
I work alongside folks dressed in similar attire as those shown in the photo. Have yet to strike a conversation with them, though. Why are they the most outwardly apparent Jews on the Planet?

I commend them for their strict adherence to ancestral ways; something lacking within my tribe.

I am therefore deducing, my South Cushitic brother, that "Blackpill" is indeed more bitter than "Redpill" and involves free thought and the conscious realization that - aint shit we know 100% fact-based in most spheres of the global science community. Right? Interesting.
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