Red neck say African was named after toilet plunger sound

This guy probably believes he is not a racist

He probably has a black workfriend. Definitely no racist bone in him
Well that insult was uncalled for. :pachah1:

@Gadhwayne it’s good to see you in generals, you haven’t let the black pits of Somali Politics and TC in awhile.:damn:

You must not read global and history/anthropology sections

Anyway I think he is more ignorant than racist

But youre right I specialize in tribal nicknames for Northerner clans


Adeer macaane ii waran
Kkkkkkkkk Madows have funny names

Expecially South african Madows. Wallee i hate the south african Madows waa xoolo caadi ah dadka ayay nafta ku gubaan. Waa iska xayawaano


I don’t think he was being racist, just rude. We should uplift each other spirits not put down one another :)