Reconciliation: Return to Walaalnimo

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One of the most surprising outcomes of this study is the desire for social reconciliation across Somalia. From Kismayo on the far southern tip of the country to Garowe in the northeast, participants highlighted the need for direct, community-to-community reconciliation. It was abundantly clear that what people wanted was not political accommodation but genuine national recognition that heals the scars of the civil war.
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Together We Stand!

"If you split, you will break. You need to be together as one and look after your wealth." ~short film by riyo films


This is an awsome documentary that highlights the attempts made by clan elders to reconcile issues in South Central Somalia and by the Somali peace line in South,central and North Somalia.

What's makes this different from the disasterous faux reconciliation attempts made by the Somali leadership and the international community, is that this type of reconciliation process is done on a traditional & communal level, thus more genuine.
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social reconciliation across Somalia

reconciliation is a project,it is silly to assume that me as a hawiye have any hostility towards any clan ,those who cry reconciliation want ic to fund them project after project ,what we need is a strong institution that guarantee security,a military force that secure our borders,80 different ethnic tribes that dont speak the same language in itoobiy are held together by a police state i dont condone that but i want a military that is free from the gov.
social reconciliation across Somalia

reconciliation is a project,it is silly to assume that me as a hawiye have any hostility towards any clan ,those who cry reconciliation want ic to fund them project after project ,what we need is a strong institution that guarantee security,a military force that secure our borders,80 different ethnic tribes that dont speak the same language in itoobiy are held together by a police state i dont condone that but i want a military that is free from the gov.

No Political Legitimacy without Genuine Reconciliation

Before we are able to institute anything people have get along first and identify as somali beyond it being an blanket slate label with no meaning o refrence behind it. A disunited a group who can't even identify or protect their own interests will not be able do anything.

Like ive said before
"We either understand the power created via unity and process that go into unity or die in unmarked graves, forgotten to time"

The issue is no aboutt hate or hostility that divides us it is a deepseated mistrust fostered due to unequal resource distribution, unequal political participation and systemic injustice.
Reinforcing this mistrust against a centralized state is newly common practice to organize a political party somewhere and claim presidency over a given region.

Hence why eliminating that mistrust and bonding frenship and walaalnimo between us is the first step.

People already know what the problems are and have ideas on how to solve them. But the issue is how can we come together to implement them when we are so divided.
Their claim is that, with devolved power and resources, there will be much less conflict and more cooperation or space between communities. Again, this is easier said than done, but the fact that more than a third of respondents make the association is crucial
stop quoting waagacusub,somalis are nomads camel herders,hardly know the meaning of state.

I am not qouting Waagacusub. Its a pdf file to ''Heritage Insutitutes'' study conducted. I can't link you to the pdf file since you have to download it from that site.

Somalis know the meaning of a state wether they are pastorials or nomads doesn't matter. Not sure what that invalidates it either. They know what system works for their social structure and what issues to take into account.

I posted about The somali system of governace: Xeer

If you are done trolling you can check it out.


social reconciliation across Somalia

reconciliation is a project,it is silly to assume that me as a hawiye have any hostility towards any clan ,those who cry reconciliation want ic to fund them project after project ,what we need is a strong institution that guarantee security,a military force that secure our borders,80 different ethnic tribes that dont speak the same language in itoobiy are held together by a police state i dont condone that but i want a military that is free from the gov.

Ethiopia is not a peaceful or productive country. Two tribes dominate the politics and have been the elites. The army serves their interests and those of corporations. I'd rather we had an inclusive Somali state with the army serving all of our interests i.e. mainly border control and preventing terrorist groups from forming/taking hold.


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Soon brother, ignore the naysayers and the doubters we will surely prevail


God is with us


To those of you on the wrong side of history, stand aside or you will be swept aside


The Somalis will return



Suicidal men adore me.
I really want this to happen. For us to unite forgive but never forget the horror we've witnessed. Sometimes I cry just thinking about the devastation and what we can become. Inshallah one day we'll prevail.


I really want this to happen. For us to unite forgive but never forget the horror we've witnessed. Sometimes I cry just thinking about the devastation and what we can become. Inshallah one day we'll prevail.

War is a natural part of Human development, from the earliest wars in Babylon to the war in Syria, man has always fought wars and most of humanities development and technology came from that. In the scales of war, the Somali civil war was minuscule compare to either's which raged at the same time, like the Rwandan genocide. War gives us a chance to rebuild and learn from our mistakes and I believe Somalis would eventually overcome it.
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