Real Islam Vs Fake Islam


I will be honest with u there is many ways to identify the 'real islam' thru wisdom. They have ancient quran'. It is about GOD. The ones who developed hadith are trying to imitate mohamed and dress like him. This is 'shirk'. All the beards, clothes, this come much later from persia and roman societies because they dress like that after they learned religion to cover their 'shame'. Real Arabs and Jews and there is many communiities. Will ask one thing

1. Purity of your quran, torah. They don't care for bible that is for europe
2. Does it match the quran with moses law. If they see you have 'shariah council with 500 laws' this is indication that your following corrupted quran that came from migrations into roman and turkish territories who have higher crimes because they were being converted at the time so they had to set up new laws. The real quran and moses 10 commandment has to be same. The less laws u have the closer to the pure source. If your people do anything outside those ten laws and they are talking about silly things like hijab, this is considered not pure
3. Their pure arabic skill, arabic langauge corrupted with migrations that's why they don't know how to speak. They will speak to king of jordan and ask him about each his ancestor, locations, tombs, and his purity of arabic he must at least pass one test for 'king' if he can 'describe hikmah of arabic poetry using the tree' not 'read it from book' that is made up later from roman and european and persian societies, that is not hikmah because it is in the market place and people will add everything.
4. Their understanding of god must match the original, you are not supposed to tell people to pray, fast, dress like this. The religion is choice, not slavery or else you have them in bondage like cpaitalist have bondage control of workers like slaves to feed themselves and house themselves. Some of the sheikhs are not knowledgable, a real sheikh is quiet as he knows there is people out there who know the TRUE ISLAM, he won't embarass himself on TV. Because when he says it's dembi, there is only 10 dembis, inta kale waa lagu daray idinku darteen markad migrations samayseen.


Somaliyay you need to know some basic principles also of Islam when u have Wisdom.

1. Don't love the earth, life, any laws, this is test your not supposed to like your test such as food, praying, fasting, if u hear someone says I love salat. God sent adam here as a test for his sin. So in this life your not supposed to say praying is mandatory your in a test area, u can pray if u want but u don't have too. Becareful of message of quran music that is from pagan europe, turkey. In arabia desert it was proverbs, riddles, wisdom, the clothes were not like the modern day arab. We read our GABAY to them basically in arabic that is closer to pure arabic as it's poetry still not music from lebanon and egypt never see their islam as pure its got low low low low they have 1000 laws you only need 10 laws or else you dont even know the hikmah

2. Becareful of how Islam is interpreted if you don't have some original language meaning pure arabic not modern arabic and it gets 'purer' depending on isolation as the grade is seen higher how they can do poetry of meaning of the words or manuscript that is confirmed and outside 'known world markets' those ones are the 'cheaper' ones people left behind in tunnels because of corruption in middle-east and even those are corrupt versions. U won't leave it in a tunnel if you have kingdom like habashiya.
3. Islam message in wisdom is to not 'increase sins and create shariah law' there was no shariah law, the prophet used moses 10 commandments to ensure the quran was only 10 laws. Lots of muslims brought back so many laws from other societies in europe because they were pagans and they were doing things outside Islam 10 laws. They needed to keep those people 'separate' community as converted muslims not 'ancient muslims' like the jews when they came back from europe all the laws became increasing, but the laws in ethiopia is simple following 10 laws of moses. Moses even married an ethiopian which means jewish women are not even marriagable. Ethiopian man is rarely sent to pagans, they are worth the women. The man is who will be crowned king of israel lion of judah. They even made queen elizabeth know this is long running kingdom and she is the 'pagans' that this christianity freed. But they want europeans to think god is jesus because it's idolatry and sin for evil purposes. After enslaving the world the king will say to god 'i will free them' i have all the power and I release it to you as token of HABASHIYA. They will be assesed why they did that, if it was for arrogance, love, humility, mercy, god will judge then and if he finds one problem they will go to hell because it's not perfect like god. Its big gamble to take because noone can match god perfection be it emotionally, spiritially, power, and control on the world

They are not interfering with Islam or ancient communities of africa as that is treasure trove of knowledge from ancient egypt to build the tower of babel and say I GOT THE ROOT ALL KNOWLEDGE AND SCRIPTURES AND THE EARTH IS MINE.
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I do know one thing it's not about the good or bad or sins you do in life, u just need to accept it, don't repent if u really dont feel sorry if u do then it's seen as ingenuine, it's not about love and goodness if u dont feel it inside, dont repent or hide it. It's all about accepting every state you have as human being and live life, this satan uses to trick u to believe u have to ask for forgiveness, if u ask for forgiveness god will look if you really cared or not anyways and if u didn't u get punished. U can pray all day like poetry but if u don't want too do it dont do it if u do it accept it and remain like that. But it's not any value to repeat the prayers, go out and explore all the difference and grow wisdom as your knowledge expands for god or else he will treat u like bulk goods when u pray and one person who build himself up is worth more then all of that million who pray.

The mosque, quran, clothes all change in the centuries never wear those black abayas they are persian culture or turkish culture that is why you see so many shariah laws now in arabia, it has been polluted by turks and persians, the original arabs ran as the 'shariah' increased from 10, to 10000000 because pagan muslims will bring so many crimes that is unknown when he converts. The truth is always 'rare' also not in billions, thats why christian muslims are mostly going to hell except banu hashim-kohens-ancient egyptian languages cultures, or any society that still has 10 crimes only in it's language. They are called the 10 commandments and the quran muslims will be there and will say see ya punks which is diluted modern islam that has left the earliest islam of the prophet


All those whiter cohens, lighter arabs went to pagan areas they were originally apart of arabia but they picked up their crimes as they migrated and brought ti back in the millions, they are large now but they will have to help themselves. Black ethiopians are the real kohens, they were kept them in ethiopia with the crown, relics, original commandments and laws, and moses married falasha people, not ashkenazi in their torah even which is much LATER as they tried to delete areas but they didn't know the oldest is the more 'purist in age and manuscript, oral law, langauge of hebrew' the hebrew u have is much later, u wont know moses, muhammad, jesus people as they will come from all over the place as they have 'links' with 'hikmah' if u dont answer a 'riddle' noone will let u in, u will stay with the millions and millions of humans and animals that god will see no 'specialness' he will see small group of us as special and rare

They need to ban imams and sheikhs who learn dembiyasha gaalada, ma aha inu halkani keeno uu ku faafiyo aqoonteeda dadkani waa dahir, iyagay uu taal dambiyashooda, dadka ha soo gelin, u need to learn pure islam not islam shali samaye in 1700. Wadan kasto sharcigisa badan yahay dhinaca luqadisa waa dad dambi badna ama cawaanki loo tagay, lagama barto diintooda ama waxad baranaysa dhibkooda iyo dembigooda
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The rule is simple when u go to continents. They must leave a 'trace' of humanity skills on there. Like have u seen how some countries just have a few tombs and nothing else, it's cause that lived there just converted to dirt. Australia will be the same only one or two things will remain that seem 'uniquely' rare not skyscrapers as that isn't unique anymore. Unique is ONE THING that no-one else saw or did, it could be the smallest thing overlooked or the largest. That's why their is race to find not only artifact, but even a 'craft' or 'mask'. Some even are using neaderthals rocks building in UK but that isn't humanity. THat's when adam fell period and they were troglodytes still. We know when humanity rebegins it's the emergence of 'tongue' or speaking and languages developing or passed down, then writing, then buildings, then religion and depending how sophisticated the better. Forget 10th century too now. If u can find something way before history is written that is rarest of all 1st BC and before as it can be used to cross reference all written history, it's going to sell for TRILLIONS

Those 'graves' in PL we need to test how 'old' they are it's better then all the graves of the 16th century which is newer when humanity was all at the same level. Yemen is ancient as hell no-one will be able to touch that, it will speak for like trillions of years showing it's oldest middle eastern origin. Theey cant sell it or else it devalues. The only thing they sell is 15th century thing and above which is not unique, there is too many 15th century artifact, so dont add to much too it, throw it away, look at the period of artifacts missing and stuff that is where the gold is but also the 'language' listen carefully for words of god, numbers, laws, circumision. Aboriginal one is ancient as hell and knew the laws of noah it was basic but it's treasure trove for noah era. Noah era may not be circumision era, I think it was abraham im not 100% sure but it reached all africa mid east, one god concept was absent because it was forgotten as people didn't write it down during abraham era and pharoah age began I think and lots of ppl left with them to egypt while shem stayed in middle east, and japtheth went to turkey and europe. Turkey was the original 'rome' later it was 'western' side they got it back to front to cover up the migrations as it develops in root stages in Turkey and expands onto Rome via greece obviously
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