

Hakuna matata
Some people read 52 books a year. That's one book per week, anybody else does this? I am going to try but I can hardly read one page of a book without losing concentration. I have only probably read two books in life from start to end. I am wondering how do people fit time to read? when they work, study or have a family.

Give me some tips to start my reading goal.


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
Some people read 52 books a year. That's one book per week, anybody else does this? I am going to try but I can hardly read one page of a book without losing concentration. I have only probably read two books in life from start to end. I am wondering how do people fit time to read? when they work, study or have a family.

Give me some tips to start my reading goal.

Get books on tapes.

I heard there are text books on tape available, but I think it is only available for blind people.

I have a hard time concentrating too when reading, because I read with my own inner voice.