To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
As I reflect on my life, I am coming to a conclusion that we are given a binary choice in the way we live out our lives. We either live in the past by spending the bulk of our time doing or pondering about things that has already happened or concentrate on creating new realities around us. Coincidentally negativity dwells in the former.
Naturally I started asking myself on a daily basis what I achieved and what I created today. The result was really depressing for me. I was living a reactionary life. Even participating on this platform is reactionary in nature. A voice deep inside me is asking me why I am not living the life of creativity, the life of today's visionaries like Elon Musk. I mean we all have a choice to make and live with benefits and regrets of it. I want to be creationary and live a forward facing life.
I am sure we all make this discovery one day in our life. My post turned out to be a sort of a rant. But, you got the idea, right?
Naturally I started asking myself on a daily basis what I achieved and what I created today. The result was really depressing for me. I was living a reactionary life. Even participating on this platform is reactionary in nature. A voice deep inside me is asking me why I am not living the life of creativity, the life of today's visionaries like Elon Musk. I mean we all have a choice to make and live with benefits and regrets of it. I want to be creationary and live a forward facing life.
I am sure we all make this discovery one day in our life. My post turned out to be a sort of a rant. But, you got the idea, right?