Random Oromo history part 2

''The Oromos were probably the aboriginal inhabitants of Ethiopia prior to the advent of the Abyssinians; they are said, however, also to be immigrants.
They have been conquered, and are held in subjection by the help of firearms, which their conquerors take care they shall not obtain, and by this device they are kept in a position of distinct inferiority and abject servitude.
They are without doubt a much purer race, have fine lithe figures, though spare, and have regular, handsome European like features.
Their hair is crisply curling, similar to that of people of Jewish stock. The hue of their skin varies from a light copper-colour to that of chocolate. They divide themselves into many tribes, according to the district, yet speak a similar language [though, as mentioned by Mr. Weld Blundell, there are several dialects].
It was interesting to me to find that our Somali servants [which accompanied us through the whole of our route] could understand, they told me, some of the Oromo words used by those people inhabiting the extreme south-west of the country, bordering upon the Sudan, and it points distinctly to a relationship of not very distant date.
Other travellers have noted similar facts, I find. That they are of a similar race scarcely admits of doubt, for in feature and build they very much resemble each other. The Somali is darker coloured, however, his skin being of a dark brown to almost black tint; but this is accounted for in the fact that he inhabits a more arid, hot, and desert tract of country, and lives perhaps a more outdoor life, because of his nomadic habits, and thus the sun has acted more upon his skin than upon that of the Oromos.

The Oromo lives a settled life, has his permanent hut, either among a cluster in a village, or else occasionally apart upon land that he tills.
His villages, like those of the Abyssinians, are invariably placed upon the summits or near the summits of hills, which keep him out of the heat of the lower lands, free from mosquitoes and consequent fever, as well as serve for the purpose of look-out and defence.
They are the producers and cultivators, being an industrious folk.
Around their villages and huts a tract of cultivated country can always be seen, with flocks and herds grazing near.
There is no doubt that, if they were not so oppressed and taxed, they would produce more, but the only thing taxed in Abyssinia appears to be the produce of industry, that of husbandry, manufacture, and trade, the result being that these suffer.
The Oromos grow cotton, spin it into thread by a peculiarly delicate spindle, and weave it into cloth.
Wheat, barley, teff, pepper, coffee, tobacco, vetches, beans, and peas, etc, I also saw cultivated by them.
Their huts are similar in shape to the Abyssinian, but, especially in the West, the arrangement of the interior is somewhat different, there being no inner circular wall, only a partition, somewhat back from the door, passing straight across the floor space, sufficient room only being left for use as a doorway; this divides the room into two, the outer acting as a porch, and as a place for keeping household necessaries, while the inner is the cooking part and women's quarter, and where also are the beeds, which are screened off by wickerwork hanging screens.''

The Geographical Journal, Volume 15
Royal Geographical Society., 1900 - Electronic journals
Pages 268-270
''The Oromos are a wonderfully handsome race, with high foreheads, brown skins, and soft wavy hair, quite different from the wool of the Bantus.''

[Proc R. Geograph 1892, p. 821]
Informative thread. Just to tell you, the "Abyssinians" are as indigenous to the horn as Oromos, Somalis, Afars and other Cushitic group. There's this debunked myth that "Abyssinians" were Sabeans who invaded the horn and mixed with the local inhabitants which is totally false. Abyssinians are just Cushitic people who speak Semitic languages and share similar customs and culture to the Oromos.
''The Oromos were probably the aboriginal inhabitants of Ethiopia prior to the advent of the Abyssinians; they are said, however, also to be immigrants.
They have been conquered, and are held in subjection by the help of firearms, which their conquerors take care they shall not obtain, and by this device they are kept in a position of distinct inferiority and abject servitude.
They are without doubt a much purer race, have fine lithe figures, though spare, and have regular, handsome European like features.
Their hair is crisply curling, similar to that of people of Jewish stock. The hue of their skin varies from a light copper-colour to that of chocolate. They divide themselves into many tribes, according to the district, yet speak a similar language [though, as mentioned by Mr. Weld Blundell, there are several dialects].
It was interesting to me to find that our Somali servants [which accompanied us through the whole of our route] could understand, they told me, some of the Oromo words used by those people inhabiting the extreme south-west of the country, bordering upon the Sudan, and it points distinctly to a relationship of not very distant date.
Other travellers have noted similar facts, I find. That they are of a similar race scarcely admits of doubt, for in feature and build they very much resemble each other. The Somali is darker coloured, however, his skin being of a dark brown to almost black tint; but this is accounted for in the fact that he inhabits a more arid, hot, and desert tract of country, and lives perhaps a more outdoor life, because of his nomadic habits, and thus the sun has acted more upon his skin than upon that of the Oromos.

The Oromo lives a settled life, has his permanent hut, either among a cluster in a village, or else occasionally apart upon land that he tills.
His villages, like those of the Abyssinians, are invariably placed upon the summits or near the summits of hills, which keep him out of the heat of the lower lands, free from mosquitoes and consequent fever, as well as serve for the purpose of look-out and defence.
They are the producers and cultivators, being an industrious folk.
Around their villages and huts a tract of cultivated country can always be seen, with flocks and herds grazing near.
There is no doubt that, if they were not so oppressed and taxed, they would produce more, but the only thing taxed in Abyssinia appears to be the produce of industry, that of husbandry, manufacture, and trade, the result being that these suffer.
The Oromos grow cotton, spin it into thread by a peculiarly delicate spindle, and weave it into cloth.
Wheat, barley, teff, pepper, coffee, tobacco, vetches, beans, and peas, etc, I also saw cultivated by them.
Their huts are similar in shape to the Abyssinian, but, especially in the West, the arrangement of the interior is somewhat different, there being no inner circular wall, only a partition, somewhat back from the door, passing straight across the floor space, sufficient room only being left for use as a doorway; this divides the room into two, the outer acting as a porch, and as a place for keeping household necessaries, while the inner is the cooking part and women's quarter, and where also are the beeds, which are screened off by wickerwork hanging screens.''

The Geographical Journal, Volume 15
Royal Geographical Society., 1900 - Electronic journals
Pages 268-270
Since the Oromos are a settled people why did they not build castles and more befitting permanent structures like some segments of the Somali city folk and Habesha ruling clans. This deserves an investigation by @DR OSMAN . Oromos seem to be more from the northern kenya area. If they were from the horn they would have more semblance to civilizations and cultures like the ones that built Gondershe and Muuqdisho among others.
Informative thread. Just to tell you, the "Abyssinians" are as indigenous to the horn as Oromos, Somalis, Afars and other Cushitic group. There's this debunked myth that "Abyssinians" were Sabeans who invaded the horn and mixed with the local inhabitants which is totally false. Abyssinians are just Cushitic people who speak Semitic languages and share similar customs and culture to the Oromos.
If they were half bantu(which is an African people) you would consider them foreign but since its half sabean most people will brush it under the rug.
If they were half bantu(which is an African people) you would consider them foreign but since its half sabean most people will brush it under the rug.
There not half Sabean nor are they half Bantu. The Sabean claim is a myth that has been debunked. Colonial racist bigots were pushing this claim the most because they could not accept the fact that it was the native African inhabitants who built these civilization. Anti Black revisionism was very common during the colonial Era and they put every effort they could to discredit and destroy Black African history.


Since the Oromos are a settled people why did they not build castles and more befitting permanent structures like some segments of the Somali city folk and Habesha ruling clans. This deserves an investigation by @DR OSMAN . Oromos seem to be more from the northern kenya area. If they were from the horn they would have more semblance to civilizations and cultures like the ones that built Gondershe and Muuqdisho among others.

I studied them but will need to investigate their local stories and comparatively assess local conditions haday 'macqul' tahay waxay sheegayan, colloboration of evidence their neighbors, looking common themes among these people regardless if their farmers, nomads, urban iyo waxaa midaayo koley 'luqad' lagu hadlayo wax ma midayso it's communication tool only, their must be some 'value' system they have and cherish.

I root originated them to north-east Kenya and Southern Ethiopia(nomadic boraana) who are the root of these people, they spread into the interior village by village as they were settled areas reporting to either 'Ahmed Gurey' in the 15-16th Century or before that Amhara Kingdom to ensure subservient local populace. These people spring out like vikings from boraan desert with this 'value' system called' Free men. I read that is what Oromo means in-kasto Oromadu say it means 'son of orma' looooool which makes no sense as Oromo is language not a 'child or father' like Somali is 'language'.

The pattern clearly observed show an interior population stuck and outside the sultanate or amhara kingdom territory and refusal of submission hence maybe this is where their value system originates 'free men' free from 'dawlad' or 'governance' and they would village by village, river by river, urban area by urban spread this 'viking message' of 'iska xoreeya dawladu xor noqda ama free men'. This resulted in the sacking of Adal and they came rushing in raping, looting, killing locals, and then 'squatting'.

I picked the 'squatting' as unique as they don't leave. Today Harar is 90% them and the legacy of Oromia value system of 'free men'. They did the same to Bale, Aarsi, etc as true 'Oromo' is Nomadic he isn't 'farmer' or 'settler' this small group of invaders began spreading 'oromo liberation movement' of their time period to new settlers saying u live better under 'freedom' or 'free men' not 'subjects or citizens' of sultanate or kingdom in amhara.

They taught them Oromo language and moved to the next village. Some Somalis fell during this Era 'Afran Qallo section' today of Oromo, but they still look, dress, think like Somali except the 'language' and obviously to 'free themselves' values not establish governance or sultanate or kingdom. War nimanku waa niman 'fowdo' ah socodo, ma haayo siyasad, ma haayo dawlad, ma haayo qorsho laga reebo '91 ha loo kala faristo ama dawlad la'an ha dhacdo' sida waqtigi adal as we all went back to clan territories and just living in the interior. Ironically he has no love for either 'christian or muslim kingdom' in the horn as he sees them both a 'threat' to the 'free man' philosophy that unites his people. Notice his still doing OLF shit niyahow even after 'presidency'? They know their culture, values, oromia dies the day they accept a government even if ruled by Oromo.

If you want more of 'Oromo vision' historically and today and correlation of their behaviors, please do ask lakin the narrative in the horn is like this

1. Muslim sultanates trying to control the 'canal' red sea-indian ocean depending where the world trade is happening
2. Isolating interior areas and slowly 'expanding' in the continent to 'backward' people
3. Race between Amhaar and Somali began 14th Century as Mogadishu Sultanates began prior to that it was 'early arab settlers' who probably were under the control of abyssinia who needed to ensure the trade corridor was locked down to one 'actor' not 'two' and worse yet them being removed from it as it was their lifeline to the rest of the world against the interior
4. Oromo largest ethnic group and yes they are damn large a society based on no verifiable legacy or positivity they added except pain, misery, wars, looting, chaos, and famously SQUATTING and expanding. They only have an opposition mind-set to any governance as it's against Oromia free man value system so don't even waste your time weeye, dawlad diid baan ku midaysan nahay hadu niin rag ku yiri for centuries maxaa ka rabta?

PS - Abi Ahmed is Oromo boy, lets see if he defies his historical clan character in the region and pulls oof a miracle and legacy in the region. But so far what we do know is the region shook and shaked like typical oromo 'incites' lol as it slowly heads towards Oromo cultural value system 'free men, no governance, dawlad diid' lol. But we never know he may pay pull of a miracle and suprise us but I am doubtful in all honesty as GALLA weeye, meel kasta dalka ayaa ku magacaban dhaqankooda fosha xun waagi hore abudwaaq, gaalkacyo, amhara chronicler said they lived in shabellaha river meaning ogadenia untill hiiraan plus we know they were all the way up Gaalkacyo. All this shit was inherited from them as they were to close to sultanates in Mogadishu and cud be used to invade by amhara who brainwashes him or muslims brainwash him to invade amhara, he is only used to direct his dawlad diid policies on the other kingdom and it's who gets to him first weeye or sometimes he goes for both as his suspicious of both of being mischevious. That's when Somali Gaal madow xun oo cawaan ba tahaye is when they get frustrated with the galla mindset
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@SinanSays The early gulf of aden communities were muslims but christian also all along the coast as you still see christian graves in Bari-Nugaal-Awdal. Galla wouldn't around these areas, his job was interior and uprising on free men value, he didn't have access to knowledge, trade, global affairs like coastal areas. They were stuck in the Interior though, how far I know for a fact 'gaalkacyo', did it extend further is up for debate or historical searching of tombs or artifacts or oral history but so far there is none so they must of secured the Bari-Nugaal-Sanaag-Awdal-Berbera Coast line these early muslim settlers they didn't rule remember they were 'guests' of the 'governor' for habashiya at that time as their policy was to ensure full control of gulf aden. Indian ocean side didn't begin much later till the 14th century and they ironically were not after that part of the world in the past or even today. Gaalo madow country buu ahaa as evidenced by ajuuran chronicles of oral history they had to clean up the 'gaalo' why? dee dawlad diid weeye, canshur ma biyo, tuug weeye, sqatter weeye, dadku kiciya in dawlada la naco like u see in many somali clans today, the only reason is to ensure his culture and value system doesn't die out if they govern.

I will share more with you if you like as some of it 'horrific' and I don't want to present evidence as it could lead to 'genocide' of galla as Somalis are partly rational if they see you present your case, connect up the dots and time period, reach reasonable conclusions based on this group of people and their agenda by showing repeating patterns century after century that is still evident today. It's easy for Somalis to picture oromo value system today where-as in the past 'wax maskaxdooda' laga dhadhicin karo 'dawlad la'an' iyo dad isku midaaye waxasi was not convinceable to them, now Somalis know what Oromo values can lead too 91-2006. Clan lines. No government and 'free men policy' strong. The world moves on while you die in insignifance with him. Hada way fahmi karan the value system the Somali as in the past it was not understable, now they know what the GALLA WORLD VIEW LOOKS LIKE and they hate it more then even Amhara government


''The Oromos were probably the aboriginal inhabitants of Ethiopia prior to the advent of the Abyssinians; they are said, however, also to be immigrants.
They have been conquered, and are held in subjection by the help of firearms, which their conquerors take care they shall not obtain, and by this device they are kept in a position of distinct inferiority and abject servitude.
They are without doubt a much purer race, have fine lithe figures, though spare, and have regular, handsome European like features.
Their hair is crisply curling, similar to that of people of Jewish stock. The hue of their skin varies from a light copper-colour to that of chocolate. They divide themselves into many tribes, according to the district, yet speak a similar language [though, as mentioned by Mr. Weld Blundell, there are several dialects].
It was interesting to me to find that our Somali servants [which accompanied us through the whole of our route] could understand, they told me, some of the Oromo words used by those people inhabiting the extreme south-west of the country, bordering upon the Sudan, and it points distinctly to a relationship of not very distant date.
Other travellers have noted similar facts, I find. That they are of a similar race scarcely admits of doubt, for in feature and build they very much resemble each other. The Somali is darker coloured, however, his skin being of a dark brown to almost black tint; but this is accounted for in the fact that he inhabits a more arid, hot, and desert tract of country, and lives perhaps a more outdoor life, because of his nomadic habits, and thus the sun has acted more upon his skin than upon that of the Oromos.

The Oromo lives a settled life, has his permanent hut, either among a cluster in a village, or else occasionally apart upon land that he tills.
His villages, like those of the Abyssinians, are invariably placed upon the summits or near the summits of hills, which keep him out of the heat of the lower lands, free from mosquitoes and consequent fever, as well as serve for the purpose of look-out and defence.
They are the producers and cultivators, being an industrious folk.
Around their villages and huts a tract of cultivated country can always be seen, with flocks and herds grazing near.
There is no doubt that, if they were not so oppressed and taxed, they would produce more, but the only thing taxed in Abyssinia appears to be the produce of industry, that of husbandry, manufacture, and trade, the result being that these suffer.
The Oromos grow cotton, spin it into thread by a peculiarly delicate spindle, and weave it into cloth.
Wheat, barley, teff, pepper, coffee, tobacco, vetches, beans, and peas, etc, I also saw cultivated by them.
Their huts are similar in shape to the Abyssinian, but, especially in the West, the arrangement of the interior is somewhat different, there being no inner circular wall, only a partition, somewhat back from the door, passing straight across the floor space, sufficient room only being left for use as a doorway; this divides the room into two, the outer acting as a porch, and as a place for keeping household necessaries, while the inner is the cooking part and women's quarter, and where also are the beeds, which are screened off by wickerwork hanging screens.''

The Geographical Journal, Volume 15
Royal Geographical Society., 1900 - Electronic journals
Pages 268-270

Abba Saacha your a 'Galla' in Somali we didn't invent this word for nothing or inherited from somewhere. Gaalo meaning heathen, pagan, non muslim but not 'cawaan' as their native, primitive, maskin, type of people. You were vicious galla not an 'cawaan' who needs guidance, you refuse guidance, you set up a horrific cultural value system of hating governance only becuz your not in control of the coasts and even when you do sack govts like adal, habashiya, you never take niyahow and run the shit showing ma jiro dhaqankina wax hikmad, aqoon, dawladnimo ka muuqato. U make the region revert to the dark ages and remain in 91-2020 situation while the world surpasses us and we sit there as 'wax qaawan' with you. Why we are literally ahead of you 500-600 years and you know your not catching up with that sort of historical base. @Abba Sadacha I urge you to go to an Amhara room as your only hear to watch the Somali enemy on the coast and world access vs the Habash enemy. Your disruptive element and that's all you ever been. Dawladnimo iyo Awood baad ii didan tahay keliya waa siyasada qarniyaal niyahow, no other bases


Since the Oromos are a settled people why did they not build castles and more befitting permanent structures like some segments of the Somali city folk and Habesha ruling clans. This deserves an investigation by @DR OSMAN . Oromos seem to be more from the northern kenya area. If they were from the horn they would have more semblance to civilizations and cultures like the ones that built Gondershe and Muuqdisho among others.
There not from the horn but are from north west Kenya near lake turukana and to me resemble some of these smaller northern Kenyan tribes like borana, giriyama, rendile, or maybe even masai, it’s intreasting why some of these Kenyan groups went Cushitic language and others niolotic and when Somali or south Sudanese invaders introduced the language to these lesser groups, but no they didn’t have the capacity to be civilized like Somalis or habeshas who were in a different stratosphere


There not half Sabean nor are they half Bantu. The Sabean claim is a myth that has been debunked. Colonial racist bigots were pushing this claim the most because they could not accept the fact that it was the native African inhabitants who built these civilization. Anti Black revisionism was very common during the colonial Era and they put every effort they could to discredit and destroy Black African history.

The Habesha (Amhara, Tigrayans, Hararis, etc.) are of Sabaean/Himyar/Yemen/South Arabian origin. Genetics (Southern Arabian Semetic, Cushitic, and some instances Omotic DNA components), their old Arabian religion prior to Christianity (trinity of Ashtar, Beher, and Maher), Linguistics (related to the old South Arabian languages of Yemen), phenotype (the purer Habesha that look like reer xamar) all proves it.

Everyone has known this prior to colonialism, it isn't something recent. The Habesha were Arabian invaders to the horn of africa during antiquity.
The Habesha (Amhara, Tigrayans, Hararis, etc.) are of Sabaean/Himyar/Yemen/South Arabian origin. Genetics (Southern Arabian Semetic, Cushitic, and some instances Omotic DNA components), their old Arabian religion prior to Christianity (trinity of Ashtar, Beher, and Maher), Linguistics (related to the old South Arabian languages of Yemen), phenotype (the purer Habesha that look like reer xamar) all proves it.

Everyone has known this prior to colonialism, it isn't something recent. The Habesha were Arabian invaders to the horn of africa during antiquity.
You mean the Eritreans + Tigray. The Amhara are language shifted Cushitic Agews pretty much.

And even the Eritreans are majority Cushitic if you take away the ancient Levantine admix all Cushitic people have they really dont have too much admixture, especially when you get down to each tribe.


The Habesha (Amhara, Tigrayans, Hararis, etc.) are of Sabaean/Himyar/Yemen/South Arabian origin. Genetics (Southern Arabian Semetic, Cushitic, and some instances Omotic DNA components), their old Arabian religion prior to Christianity (trinity of Ashtar, Beher, and Maher), Linguistics (related to the old South Arabian languages of Yemen), phenotype (the purer Habesha that look like reer xamar) all proves it.

Everyone has known this prior to colonialism, it isn't something recent. The Habesha were Arabian invaders to the horn of africa during antiquity.

It's not their origins that Somali hate or Arabs, it is more political control of red sea and corridor on both sides which has been firm habashiya policy to ensure it can benefit from 'trade' build wealth, meet empires, exchange knowledge, develop while the rest are in the interior carrying on the ancient way. Nigga my own cousin still lives the same way my 'grandfather' did, doing the same things in rural areas, no difference or growth in his life. Interior sucks sxb, it's isolation from growth.

Look at how African interior nations are treated with 'no real' significance accept leaders who make it 'significant' like Paul Kagame. The big thing that hurt the Habashiya and Arab relation in my personal opinion is their loyalty to house of Israel, religiously, tribally, their church links there in Jerusalem. I mean sxb this is code word for 'I decided who I back in world politics' and for the arabs to allow a jewish 'vassal' loyal state control trade life line of old world would've been suicidal not just for arabs or turks but anyone who came here.

Yes this area was the ethiopian gulf xaqooda in loo diido ma aha, it may have changed fluctuated their power and territorial axis but their always been there in one way or another either thru 'governors' appointed which is primarily what their seeking the control of the axis not so much who comes as refugee, settler like early muslims(7th century till 12-14th century shit was quiet) something happened which I am trying to pinpoint what it was and what 'jewish' activity in the globe was like or superpowers the had influence over(like America). You don't back Jews if you wanna be 'friends of arabs' waxasi oo kale waa kick in the teeth sort of shit, you need to decide one or the other. PL has laid it's cards out clear on the table, it's loyal vassal of Oman, we inherited something positive to speak of for Oman, I cannot say the same for Habashiya, they may be long kingdom in name but in achievement and global or regional impact, all you hear is people who say they were moryans, conquerers, land thieves, etc and this is colloborated across all groups near them.

So it's clearly a kingdom that had no ambitions of becoming an 'empire' like Rome-Ancient egypt but kingdom subjects across the horn and arabia was their mere agenda. The interiors of those areas needed 'dealing' with however and sometimes it was militarily and sometimes it was thru co-existence depending on the time period and what their situation was like economically, knowledge, military wise and long term vision obviously changing probably every 60 years after every king dies and their legacy is documented in the chronicles of the habashiya. They have heaps to look back at and I don't doubt it but I question their legacy only. Ancient Egypt left a legacy that is visible on the continent people language, culture, knowledge, counting, trade, etc.

There is nothing that I can see inherited that is positive from habashiya. I am not biased for anyone historically but ZILCH niyahow besides the fact their honored in bible, torah, quran, and all ancient empires and kingdoms mentioning their name besides that feat, there is nothing else that existed there that was unique and not just learned thru trade with empires using the channels in return for wealth, knowledge, experience depending on who that empire was obviously some were maybe just traders, some real deal empires, some jews, some arabs, niggas swindled from everywhere and kept the shit to themselves in secrecy which is why a knowledge era kama dhalan Ethiopia as they refused the concept of freedom of ideas and speech and bringing things to the table for review and Somalis follow that failed culture also and hence is heading to the same outcome. Cilmi kuma dhisanto qarsoodi iyo horn of africa waa meelaha qarsoodigu loo arko some sort of national feat kkkkk


You mean the Eritreans + Tigray. The Amhara are language shifted Cushitic Agews pretty much.

And even the Eritreans are majority Cushitic if you take away the ancient Levantine admix all Cushitic people have they really dont have too much admixture, especially when you get down to each tribe.

I know the Amahara are less pure than Tigrayans, the Amhara have more Agaw in them. However they're still Habesha/South Arabian in origin.

Autosomally Somalis are 40% Near Eastern Asian/Natufian (stone age Israel) in origin and 60% proto-Nilotic compared to Tigrayans who are 60% Near Eastern Asian (Cushitic Caucasoid and Semitic components) and 40% sub-Saharan African. Tigrayans have 50% more Caucasoid DNA than Somalis, that's a huge difference.
@SinanSays The early gulf of aden communities were muslims but christian also all along the coast as you still see christian graves in Bari-Nugaal-Awdal. Galla wouldn't around these areas, his job was interior and uprising on free men value, he didn't have access to knowledge, trade, global affairs like coastal areas. They were stuck in the Interior though, how far I know for a fact 'gaalkacyo', did it extend further is up for debate or historical searching of tombs or artifacts or oral history but so far there is none so they must of secured the Bari-Nugaal-Sanaag-Awdal-Berbera Coast line these early muslim settlers they didn't rule remember they were 'guests' of the 'governor' for habashiya at that time as their policy was to ensure full control of gulf aden. Indian ocean side didn't begin much later till the 14th century and they ironically were not after that part of the world in the past or even today. Gaalo madow country buu ahaa as evidenced by ajuuran chronicles of oral history they had to clean up the 'gaalo' why? dee dawlad diid weeye, canshur ma biyo, tuug weeye, sqatter weeye, dadku kiciya in dawlada la naco like u see in many somali clans today, the only reason is to ensure his culture and value system doesn't die out if they govern.

I will share more with you if you like as some of it 'horrific' and I don't want to present evidence as it could lead to 'genocide' of galla as Somalis are partly rational if they see you present your case, connect up the dots and time period, reach reasonable conclusions based on this group of people and their agenda by showing repeating patterns century after century that is still evident today. It's easy for Somalis to picture oromo value system today where-as in the past 'wax maskaxdooda' laga dhadhicin karo 'dawlad la'an' iyo dad isku midaaye waxasi was not convinceable to them, now Somalis know what Oromo values can lead too 91-2006. Clan lines. No government and 'free men policy' strong. The world moves on while you die in insignifance with him. Hada way fahmi karan the value system the Somali as in the past it was not understable, now they know what the GALLA WORLD VIEW LOOKS LIKE and they hate it more then even Amhara government

so much bull crap in this post, that you're not even worthy of an educated rebuttal.
Peace be upon you, O' Ignorant one!
There not from the horn but are from north west Kenya near lake turukana and to me resemble some of these smaller northern Kenyan tribes like borana, giriyama, rendile, or maybe even masai, it’s intreasting why some of these Kenyan groups went Cushitic language and others niolotic and when Somali or south Sudanese invaders introduced the language to these lesser groups, but no they didn’t have the capacity to be civilized like Somalis or habeshas who were in a different stratosphere

OROMOS are from bale, southern bale, madda walabbu.


@Abba Sadacha I would love to have live national debate with Oromo expert and me Somali expert. I will present my evidence, historical records(amhara chronicles, Somali oral history) connect the 'dots' to precisely show how both 'two different kingdoms' said the same thing about this 'one people'. Harar had a big ass wall is my second evidence to Somali as they ponder why would the locals build a wall if Oromo is civilized. The correlation point between Nur Mujahid falling with the invasion of the 'gallas' and the successful absorption of many Dir clans will be presented on the table for Somalis to decide. Clear evidence Oromo never settled 'coastal' areas and there-fore had no 'govt' agenda, we will point to Zaylac-Mogadishu as they 'sacked, looted, raped, squatted' not replaced with a govt like most of the world fight on 'govts' not 'no govt''.

I will present the fact Oromo means 'free men' with many scholarly opinions agreeing that is the name of the ground. Their original location in Southern Ethiopian/Northern Kenya will be detailed to show how they migrated(Galla migrations) and the exact pin-pointing of Somali high in governance mode, allying with the Arabs and inheriting a-lot culturally, philosophically, merchant base, religious class, and finally 'political aristocrat'. Somali will be shown to be 14th Century development story till a grand-halt not being able to adjust as quick in the colonial era as the global world order changed only.

Sxb you won'r respond I will just present the case on live TV. I will stand up and say to the crowd, I am done and will not continue into 'warfare' with this man opposite me and let you decide for yourselves as his strength has only been to 'bring us down to 91' as this is historical policy and I will close by saying if he isn't savage like 'galla' stories say, where is his 'legacy' of Oromo regionally? not a single legacy till Abi Ahmed, meaning waa 'moryan' weeye dhaqankooda, kuma dhisna 'legacy' la reebo, he cannot successfully find one thing that can be shown to Somalis.

I am very much like Erdogan privately, I just like to lay out the evidence and critical linkages to demonstrate a 'story' developing for a certain group and walk away as I know he won't respond to it and time and growth must be achieved else-where. My point isn't to change the Galla, but to prepare the somali only

I know my society achievement isn't at the level of Ancient Turkey, Persia, Greece, Rome, Arab. Once you have a legacy, you know where to sit in the global world and not look silly like this 'galla'. The more u entertain him the more he has sucked you into his 'losses'. Do u see me in 'galla' forums, nigga I ain't trying to convince someone that his from failed culture due to his interior location, waqti dhumis weeye? anigu somalida ayaa ii daran to prepare them for the enemy. As he takes advantage of your ignorance(2 losses so far sacking of adal, mogadishu) when Somalis ruled. Adigu ku neceb yahay niyahow weeye lakin wax uu kula hadlo dawladnimo ah ma gabo due to his shitty location. I know his weakness and strength. He got us twice somali, xaqqisa sii, lakin not again GALLA


Somali unprepardnes for the Interior led to two sackings by Oromo, the world locked down the 'sea-lane' our partners the arabs to ensure no global power threat. Couldn't u simply handle this nigga who's easily exposable his whole vision due to his interior location, no legacy development to see what his game-plan has been repeatedely and is still today? no govt, back to 91, back to adal collapse, ajuuran collapse, he isn't filling the void waryaa keleb yahow dont u see the whole strategy nigga as he keeps u isolated for centuries with him and back to 'wax qaawan politics' like GM today oo kale? while habash can continue progressing with no threat from coastal sultanates as you bicker on internally based on his free man value system yaan lagu talin, is xoreeya, qeero movement, olf, this nigga job is instability, he has nothing historically to build upon, his 600 years behind Somali local and global achievement, he needs you back done to WAX QAAWAN OROMO PHILOSOPHY. Siyasad cad lagu jebiyo Somalidu ma keenin for Galla, other then the usual cushitic appeal, we look the same, talk the same, etc which clearly isn't showing any dividends. Deal with them waryaa so the threat is eliminated interior. Yes we call them GAALO and amhara amharized it, we didnt have another threat anywhere else
Oromo's are from Kenya and have taken over the lands of Amhara's, Somali's, Sidamo's, Hadiya's etc. They're native to the Horn. They're a tough, strong and conquering race.

