R.I.P @zeinap83

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It’s their sexual frustration, they don’t know how to play it cool. As soon as a young damsel comes in they are all over her. The shelf life of a woman is here is usually 2 weeks and then after that they’ll never post again

I've also noticed that women are relegated to issues that are feminine in nature, while they avoid societal issues, politics and any significant matter.

On this I will not cast blame on the men here, it seems inherent in the rearing of women and the minimized role that is emphasized.


I've also noticed that women are relegated to issues that are feminine in nature, while they avoid societal issues, politics and any significant matter.

On this I will not cast blame on the men here, it seems inherent in the rearing of women and the minimized role that is emphasized.

I don’t think we even get to have normal discussion, perhaps they are overwhelmed by the extreme opinions here.
I don’t think we even get to have normal discussion, perhaps they are overwhelmed by the extreme opinions here.

A woman who dares to question or assert her equal right is viewed as beyond the pale and with social sanctions that follows.

I understand the logic behind but it is effect is stifled debate without nuances that women could bring and the finite wisdom of uneducated men dominating the opinion of future generations.

In our culture women are sadly reduces to a footnote found in the home.
Hvornår forlod du Islam og ved dine forældre omkring det?:hmm:

Hvordan kan det være du er så konservative hvis du har sluppet religionen og er det en måde at fastholde en delvis eksistensberettigelse i den somalisk kultur? :fantasia2:
I'm just an old school guy tbh det er derfor jeg er conservative. I couldn't care about this non existing "Somalisk kultur" :mjlol:
I'm just an old school guy tbh det er derfor jeg er conservative. I couldn't care about this non existing "Somalisk kultur" :mjlol:

Du undviger kerne spørgsmålet som om du var medietrænet politikere.
Ved dine forældre omkring det og har du tænkt dig at skjule det? :bell:

Husk at prioritere din sikkerhed, legemesvold er typisk mod ikke-troende som gengældelse :hillarybiz:
Du undviger kerne spørgsmålet som om du var medietrænet politikere.
Ved dine forældre omkring det og har du tænkt dig at skjule det? :bell:

Husk at prioritere din sikkerhed, legemesvold er typisk mod ikke-troende som gengældelse :hillarybiz:
My parents know that i'm a non believer. Nobody can harm me physically. I will put my size 12 (US) foot up on somebody's ass if anyone tries to f*ck with me.
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