Qurbo joog/diaspora youth Vs Youth back home

Why is that a 20 yr old qurbaha ku soo koray (not all but a good majority) are dumb as rocks yet a 12 yr old Africa ku soo koray wu aqli badan yahay?

Ilmo shan jir ah back home has the ability inu adhi raaco but a 16 yr old qurbo joog wants to have a melt down because a girl called him dudu?



niggas can't read for shit despite living in some of the most developed part of the world is like somebody is playing a game on easy but its still too hard for u so u need jama the tech nigga to make the game even easier singel digit iq sheiid
did u say they ride sheep?
anyway, it's obvious the sort of knowledge you have helps u in the environment u live in. If you're a farmer you'll know about farming and if you're a city dweller, you'll know the ins and outs of that city. Knowledge comes from experience and education.
did u say they ride sheep?
anyway, it's obvious the sort of knowledge you have helps u in the environment u live in. If you're a farmer you'll know about farming and if you're a city dweller, you'll know the ins and outs of that city. Knowledge comes from experience and education.
She's most likely talking about maturity and mental fortitude.
Responsabilities and being reminded of those responsabilities in hardship, is what makes them more mature then most of the ones born or raised in the west.
Why is that a 20 yr old qurbaha ku soo koray (not all but a good majority) are dumb as rocks yet a 12 yr old Africa ku soo koray wu aqli badan yahay?

That’s because Somalis back home ain’t spoon fed mamas boys
Life in Somalia/Somaliland is survival and being raised in that environment makes them hardy


I am NOT a federal agent
Niggas in America have a polluted environment and foods and are coddled at a big age. While their african counter parts grow up fast due to living real life instead of TV.

