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I recently met a girl on Facebook and she seemed well not your typical Somali girl. Her interest in music, traveling the well and perspective on the roles of men and women in the community matches mine. I didn't realize she was just 18. I'm confident in myself but It took me a good minute to compose myself and tell her my age...felt like a fob.

My little sister friend's are around 18 and I would never even entertain the thought of seriously talking to someone that young. I'm somewhat confused, do I just stop talking to her over something so small as age?
I know every relation starts of good, since the person shows you their polite face, until you get down to the nitty gritty and then you disagree on everything.

What age group is out of your range? I'm in my mid 20's, closer to 30.:diddyass:


18 huh i pray on that age group maybe younger



Bored to death
No age group is out of my range, some of us can't afford to say no :meleshame:

First off, what is a typical Somali girl? It seems like you caught feelings, never catch feelings. She's 18 so I don't see anything wrong with that. If anything, you are a winner. :5hcpspq:

Queen Carawelo

If she's mature and can hold a conversation more than 2 mins then go for it.

My bf at 17 was 26 years old. I never liked guys around my age.
No age group is out of my range, some of us can't afford to say no :meleshame:

First off, what is a typical Somali girl? It seems like you caught feelings, never catch feelings. She's 18 so I don't see anything wrong with that. If anything, you are a winner. :5hcpspq:

lol dude we are already discussing traveling around Europe, is that the definition of whipped?

If she's mature and can hold a conversation more than 2 mins then go for it.

My bf at 17 was 26 years old. I never liked guys around my age.

17? wow that's nearly a whole decade. I just think when you're dating someone your age, its a learning process, you find out about life together, someone who's older as already seen all that. Wouldn't that be like going back to high school to re do exams?
Nah bro at 18 shes more interested in marquees and tyrone.

Then abdiweli calooley(you) . Go for women over 23-24
lol dude we are already discussing traveling around Europe, is that the definition of whipped?

17? wow that's nearly a whole decade. I just think when you're dating someone your age, its a learning process, you find out about life together, someone who's older as already seen all that. Wouldn't that be like going back to high school to re do exams?


Thats whipped and a half Your selling her dreams and falss hope.

Think about it do you think her parents would let her leave and get her puzzy smashed by a odey?

Cut your losses bruh go for older girls

Thats whipped and a half Your selling her dreams and falss hope.

Think about it do you think her parents would let her leave and get her puzzy smashed by a odey?

Cut your losses bruh go for older girls

haha at odey, I'm 26 turning 27 later this year, I guess that's pretty old. I'm not interested about getting laid, there
are many girls out there for that but just never chatted to a Somali girl with so many passport stamps as me.

Queen Carawelo

17? wow that's nearly a whole decade. I just think when you're dating someone your age, its a learning process, you find out about life together, someone who's older as already seen all that. Wouldn't that be like going back to high school to re do exams?

Looooool most times I was the mature one in the relationship. If two people can understand each other, then age is nothing but a number.
I dated a 17 year old when I was 23, I felt like Chris Hansen would turn up at any second. I always made sure
we'd only go out for desserts so we be in and out asap
haha at odey, I'm 26 turning 27 later this year, I guess that's pretty old. I'm not interested about getting laid, there
are many girls out there for that but just never chatted to a Somali girl with so many passport stamps as me.

Stay away bro thats my advice
your cultured guy from what i read.
Save yourself headache and go after other nationalities.
Somali girls only cause headaches


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Stay away bro.

When I was 27 I briefly tried to date an 18 year old cos I thought she was mature. Deep inside she was still a child. She wanted me to hang around cafes and shiisha spots with her 18 year old friends. :camby:

She was a nice girl but the age gap was way too big for my liking.

After that I drafted a policy that I only date women who are 24 or above. Cos they are proper adults and have jobs and shit.
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