question about US politics

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
does anybody really believe this idea being propagated by Biden's party that if Trump wins he will become a 1930's fascist dictator and it will be the "end of democracy"?

I do think Trump caters to white nationalists, I'm not denying that- but is there really any reason to believe he will end the US system and become dictator for life as certain people (the ones who want us to vote Biden) are claiming?

(I know politics are a touchy subject and I want to mention that I personally have never voted and I don't vote so I have no interest in voting Trump or Biden... I am genuinely with neither although personally I hope Biden wins as I don't want Trump back in)
Scaring thing about it is white nationalist are growing by the Day .Highly doubt he might choose the dictatorship and this is coming from someone who doesn’t agree with his antics .

Even if he wanted to he can’t too much obstacles unlike other countries.dictatorship in America is a one way street to never having public office or losing cred with your supporters . Americans pride theme selves with democracy as a western world the most trump can do is rig votes or buy out opponents

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Scaring thing about it is white nationalist are growing by the Day .Highly doubt he might choose the dictatorship and this is coming from someone who doesn’t agree with his antics .

Even if he wanted to he can’t too much obstacles unlike other countries.dictatorship in America is a one way street to never having public office or losing cred with your supporters . Americans pride theme selves with democracy as a western world the most trump can do is rig votes or buy out opponents

I mean the white nationalist part... that is what concerns me... Biden's ppl don't need to convince me Trump is going to become some kind of president-for-life dictator, I just don't want the president feeding a white supremacist movement...

if ppl really have evidence that "Trump is going to end democracy"... I'm open to looking at it... I am in no way a friend of Donald Trump... but my thing is they keep saying "Trump will end democracy" without actually explaining what their evidence is for this? I have a vague sense their claim has to do with Jan 6 but even then I think it's the job of the ppl claiming this that they should explain exactly how to reach the conclusion that Trump is going to install dictatorship...

yes I don't believe it's real and I do think the US is set up in such a way that I don't think Trump could really install himself as a dictator... even if he became president, I don't think he'd actually have the ability to do it
America ran by a single organization.They already know who will be the next president. They like to make it seem like you have a choice in choosing the next president. both dem and republicans are two wings of the eagle and just know they head controls those wings of that eagle.
White christian nationalism is definitely on the rise. I don’t think the jews will be under threat tho. Mostly muslims and brown skinned folk

I don’t think much will change if trump
gets elected
Biden is a problem, as we see with his foreign policy positions. Trump will be a problem domestically and in international affairs. I characterize the two as scum -- for self-gain -- both are out of touch with the forces they play with for self-gain.

None of these people have skin in the game. Trump can appeal to more reckless behavior without risking his neck at everyone else's cost but himself, as he does not care about loss of integrity or image. The collective frustrations of a lot of Americans call for a bad guy who Trump lovingly embodies as long as he can be the one to push those buttons.

I don't believe Biden or Trump came as a coincidence. America chose, George Bush, Barack Obama, Trump, and then Biden... that country has no excuses. No one stumbles upon that many consecutive assholes unless the population loves assholes in power.

The political system in America is not set up to refine and spit out nice hero types. All the leaders will directly reflect on what it processes. That country's political landscape is dirty. It's like expecting something clean to come out of the ass. It is structured in a way that makes it impossible for true changers who reject most of the nonsense to arise. Trump was never against the establishment. The guy is volatile in much in relation to the internal games of the American political discourse only because he rattled people's comfortable nests without purpose or direction other than political self-aggrandizement. Not for the greater good. No. To represent another conforming Americanism. That is why I laugh when bums claim he was against the establishment.

Biden is a less eloquent and charismatic Obama. Obama in political terms was never anything beyond the opportunist finesse. He never did anything more than look nice doing the heinous. That white Kenya used the Black identity to do the most murderous imperialism. The Black image was co-opted in the worst way. I would truly be furious if I was an African American. Today, a war criminal like Bush has gained a peaceful image as a painter. That signals that any political psychopath can have a nice ending in the United States of America, no matter the crime.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
does anybody really believe this idea being propagated by Biden's party that if Trump wins he will become a 1930's fascist dictator and it will be the "end of democracy"?

I do think Trump caters to white nationalists, I'm not denying that- but is there really any reason to believe he will end the US system and become dictator for life as certain people (the ones who want us to vote Biden) are claiming?

(I know politics are a touchy subject and I want to mention that I personally have never voted and I don't vote so I have no interest in voting Trump or Biden... I am genuinely with neither although personally I hope Biden wins as I don't want Trump back in)

NO. The United states qovt is intact. We have three body branches that check each other. And also Trump is OLD. He can only be a president for 4 years.

I think he can do a lot of damage in that 4 years because he will corrupt the republican party.

To be honest- i used to dread him winning- but now- i am kinda open to it. Biden will go retire to Florida as he deserves - poor old guy, Trump will entertain us with a freak show media buzz for 4 years.

I rather Trump not win for sake of my ego- but if he does- well-- i am just going to grab an apple and watch the circus.


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