Qalbi Dhagax Scandal makes Ar Farmaajo iigeeye become Ar Xaarmaajo iga fogeeya

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
This is the biggest Ceeb in the Somali History in a very short period.
Even Qoslaaye waited some years with his own ceeb (pimping somali women to Saudis).


Your superior
Qabil ?
Ngga , unlike you I don't believe in ur fairy tails

This is a simple case where Ethiopia is trying to assimilate the residents of Ogaden.By reducing Farmaajos support they ultimately cause him to become a lap dog.

Didn't know fish could do Mental gymnastics :uCkf6mf:
Didn't know fish could do Mental gymnastics :uCkf6mf:
Farmaajo failed at this political game just like the last presidents. He has failed and become the lap dog of Ethiopia just like Puntland, Somaliland and all the other Somali presidents. By forcing the region to hunt for their own Ogaden brothers and sisters they ostricise them. Thus Ogaden are becoming more pro Ethiopia every single day.

Ethiopia has finally broken through the last threshold, xamar.Somali weyn is on its death bed.


Your superior
Farmaajo failed at this political game just like the last presidents. He has failed and become the lap dog of Ethiopia just like Puntland, Somaliland and all the other Somali presidents. By forcing the region to hunt for their own Ogaden brothers and sisters they ostricise them. Thus Ogaden are becoming more pro Ethiopia every single day.

Ethiopia has finally broken through the last threshold, xamar.Somali weyn is on its death bed.

Ogaden aren't my brothers but yours, why do you want me to take care of your people


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Aar Farmaajo iigeeya guy resurfaces

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