qabil is why our country is so shit wartorn and poor

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We have to put qabil aside and think for the better somaliland if it gets iftiraac which is highly unlikely will still be missing our lands in ethiopia hawd region and we still will be poor most likely still clan beefing i dont understand its 2018 why do we even still have these dumb clans the sooner we drop clans the easier it will be to unite on somalinimo and get back our old regions snd be a superpower in africa i know what happened in the past was bad but i dont hold grudge like we need eachother the most before anything so lets drop qabils and rep somalinimo only i rep somaliland as a state and unrecognised country but thats what it will forever be if we all drop the qabils we could achieve something way bigger and better somali weyn and use our anger and hate we have foreachother on the real opposition habashi iyo kenya
Qabil is definitely not the problem in Puntland. The problem is the lack of democracy, unlike Somaliland.

The MPs and heads of state are not elected, they dont fear loosing seat so they wont improve things, they answer to no voter. I think thats were Somaliland succeeded more than Puntland.

The south is battling terrorists, and also they lack democracy. I know Norway payed lots money to let ordinary people vote by the 2017 election, it didnt happen.

Democracy is powerful and transformative.
Also power and influence needs to be delegated, in the West, MPs dont make all the decision, its delegated to people who are experts at whatever subject. Basically charismatic leaders can make bad decisions.

In conclusion i dont think its qabil everywhere.


Snicker la'an
It's childish to blame qabiil for everything, what are you gonna do next, blame qabiil for the world war? lmao, the reason our country is so shit is because of shit management. However it's somewhat recovering with the farmajo administration. The disapora is starting to move back to somalia so I guess we'll get more a more educated civilian population.

Work on education to succeed.
I honestly believe that us western brothers and sister have it better that the home grown ones, primarily due to the fact that we are not as attached to tribalism as the elders. I propose we take the Jewish route and privately fund a secret Greater Somalia club (Enlightened Somali members only) in order to discuss future plans for the greater good of our nation.As they say "rome wasn't built in one day" it will be difficult and may even require that our grandchildren continue the task for us, but we must not give up hope (lest we remain like greece).

The biggest challenge we face is getting rid of al-shabbab. Any suggestions?.

P.S i emphasise the importance of Secrecy if the west finds out we are trying to get back on our feet again they will 9/11 us. The Jews started off with lobbying in the shadows and infiltrated key government positions. They did not go full retard like Gaddafi and openly challenge the US government.

I recommend for those who are serious about this topic to read the book Against our greater judgement, in order to get into the mindset of a people dead set on building a successful community(minus the robbing land part).
Most importantly we need a banking sector. Without it nothing can happen. But of course we hate interest/usury/ribba for emotional reasions so thats impossible.

Even if leadership was fantastic there would still be poverty without a banking sector.

I have never met a Somalia who has a neutral or positive view on western banking, they all invoke islamic banking without naming which country that has islamic banking. Even Saudi Arabia has ribba. So narrow minded people.

Imagine that a Muslim country is facing invasion, it can borrow money with interest to buy weapons, but because its Muslims it wont and loose the war.

Also some purchases are too large to actually pay with your pocket money, you would need to save a whole lifetime, like a car or a home.

Both the older and younger generation has a negative view on ribba and its never by economic arguments.
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Both of you are not even real somalilanders, under the Somaliland constitution you would be executed.
Nggas bootyclapping for the same nggas who would invite cadaan gaalo to their houses before you lot.
Tell me if your hooyo wouldn't accept your ass as a murtad what makes you think Somalis would,
Im a real somalilander my family holds weight you think i could be executed kkk i wouldnt even be locked forget execution
Im a real somalilander my family holds weight you think i could be executed kkk i wouldnt even be locked forget execution
Nope, your family isn't your family the minute you become gaal.In Islam you are disowned the moment you leave the religion.Rightfully so , so as to keep tribal unity.
You nggas thinking we are white families.
Nope, your family isn't your family the minute you become gaal.In Islam you are disowned the moment you leave the religion.Rightfully so , so as to keep tribal unity.
You nggas thinking we are white families.
Who said im gaal im a pious muslim nigga i pray ten times a day u got me mistaken with someone else g


I think the easiest way to solve qabilism is to create a functioning judiciary. If people can get a successful avenue for resolving disputes whether civil or criminal they wouldnt Need the insurance of the qabil also it would spur economic development since people can settle contract issues knowing they won't be defrauded
We have to put qabil aside and think for the better somaliland if it gets iftiraac which is highly unlikely will still be missing our lands in ethiopia hawd region and we still will be poor most likely still clan beefing i dont understand its 2018 why do we even still have these dumb clans the sooner we drop clans the easier it will be to unite on somalinimo and get back our old regions snd be a superpower in africa i know what happened in the past was bad but i dont hold grudge like we need eachother the most before anything so lets drop qabils and rep somalinimo only i rep somaliland as a state and unrecognised country but thats what it will forever be if we all drop the qabils we could achieve something way bigger and better somali weyn and use our anger and hate we have foreachother on the real opposition habashi iyo kenya

s will never abandon qabilism so let them suffer the consequences of it.


Guul Ama Geeri
Also power and influence needs to be delegated, in the West, MPs dont make all the decision, its delegated to people who are experts at whatever subject. Basically charismatic leaders can make bad decisions.

In conclusion i dont think its qabil everywhere.
Do you study political sience by any chance
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