Q for Amhara speakers/Somali ethios


Kick in the door wavin the .44
Hi guys,I wondered if those of you who can speak their language could share with us what exactly is going on? What’s the mood within the habesha/Oromo are they gearing up for war or is a solution likely.

Also a general random q for anyone who grew up there. How do the habesha and Oromo view the Somalis? When I visited I was pleasantly surprised because they all seemed nice and super chilled but of course I don’t speak the language and I don’t understand the nuance of their culture, so I always wondered is it a case of smiling in my face but spitting in my coffee 😆


I don't speak amharic but from what i know amharas either like us or are completely indifferent to us. Actually many of them are surprised that somalis have a beef with ethiopians