Puntland Today Is Dying Culture


Our Ancestors were so proud in PL. I mean just looking at King Osman in the 20's in Somalia with his counterparts the Italian, you can see the 'swag' the authority, the clothes, attire, and his envoy. You can tell automatically this man has a Kingdom somewhere. You can go online and check yourself what other kingdoms looked like in the 1920's around the world and see King Osman was on a LEAGUE of his own.

I know Somalis say 'puntlanders' tend to 'exagerrate' and 'faan' about any little thing they see a Majerten succeed in. This holds some truth, we do over-exagerrate somethings, but a-lot of the things are grounded in facts and history and isn't just 'mere' faan. Like when I tell a Hawiye you are an 'animal', some see this as an insult in Somalia without asking why would I say such a thing? Well look at animals, they have no government and just live day by day in chaos, eat, sleep, and thats it. Does HS/GM/Hamar look any different to the animal lifestyle? Well you can not say deep down it does, so why ask a Majerten why he is calling you an 'animal'. 30 years no government means your an animal, end of story, accept that status and fix it rather then debate majerten about not being animal or saying majerten your gaalo rac and all this nonsense.

If Majerten is gaalo rac, why does KING SAUD meet with Americans and British. King Osman cannot meet with them miyaa and must live in the 'cawaan' world of hawiye with no governance in history? Majerten will meet anyone who is 'superior' to him and learn from them, just like King Saud did with the europeans. There is nothing wrong with learning from someone who is indeed superior and is controlling the world. Somalis in the animal world with no governance see this as gaalo rac, do you prefer to live like you do now in HS/GM/Hamar all hawiye territories? or sit down and learn from gaalo and improve yourself and your condition?

Being a b22n is the worst outcome in the world, because look at aboriginal people of australia, they lost they're whole land because they're culture was backward and they couldn't defend themselves against the Europeans. Do u want that for your clans who live in no governance for 30 years in HS/GM/HAMAR? someone who is superior culture will come and take your land. That is what happens to b22n cultures. It happened to the SANS bushmen, when the Bantu Farmers migrated and took they're land, today there is nothing left of them the SANS bushmen. This is what happens advancement in societies removes backward societies. Somalia today is backward, so it will technically be removed and replaced by superior people and culture. No-one can stop this inevitable outcome. Even @PhySom a pretty educated guy will tell you the same thing if you want, this isn't my opinion or anything, it's observable through-out world history.

As for King Osman, Sure I am not saying wuxuu ahaa ROMAN CAESAR OR BRITISH QUEEN empire, he was no-where near that level of status nor did he control such large geographic areas or have such large amount of kingdoms and territories in his dominion. But he did manage his 'home' as @PuntiteQueen says to hawiye 'gurigaga soo nadiifso' which she keeps repeating in most argument points with Hawiye. When Somalis repeat the same point and you don't answer it, it means they're is something 'valid' about that point and they will continously remind you of it untill you successfully answer it, deflecting, or ignoring it won't make the point go away.

Anyways King Osman managed his territory, people, house, he had basic governance structures, trade partners, and was creating more allies like any kingdom of his time was doing, not just HIM but ALL KINGDOMS were. They were preparing for the new great age that we entered now so our kids like me and puntite keep up with the world. In short words like puntite says 'gurigisa' wuu hagaajistay lol. He didn't invite anyone to a 'messy' house and say 'kalaya illa soo farista illa sheekaysta' like mogadishu does inviting somalis into a house that is 'broken' down. Puntite doesn't want to go bay ku tiri gurigaga hadi aadan xagaajin, it's tough point to answer back wallahi. I don't invite people to my house if it's all screaming, fighting, and people in my home have knives and weapons against each other and tell puntite come to my home and stay the night. She will tell me as majerten even 'gurigaga soo hagaajiso' waryaa. She wont tolerate I tell her of centralism iyo ana ku talinayo puntitay when my house is in disarray


Back to our old culture in PL. Women had 'qiimo' and 'quality'. Women are not useless as Somali culture teaches. Women serve as 'linkage' into families. Sure no-one counts women name. Even women abtirsi is all 'male names', she just doesn't carry the family name further, but she does keep her family name and ancestors name waa GOB weeye. She just doesn't pass it on, no women pass on they're name in any culture anyways, they all have male names every society. So all you feminist, don't come rushing saying puntites are sexist culture, it wasn't.

Women were seen as linkages to other families, we would give them away to other KINGDOMS and GURYO 'hagaajisan'. If I was @PuntiteQueen father I would approve her marriage hadu niinku gurigisa hagaajistay, maal haysto, tarikh iyo abtirsi lee yahay, I will check his community and make sure they are rich kingdom and productive like FIRST WORLD IS today. There was a-lot of background checking done, 'jeceyl' iyo waxasi wuxu yimi 1960 kadib. U won't find Somali romance songs prior to 1960 when we 'meet' other Z22MALIS who are from different FAMILIES themselves and have different history to us and stuff. This was big 'culture' shock for Puntites and it has penetrated deep into our culture. It's good u won't see much 'singing and songs' still in PL, it's usually hargeisa and hamar, but it's slowly coming over dhaqankasi. I am not saying music is bad, I love music also, but just speaking fairly on Puntite history before the convergence of Somali clan families into the SOMALIA PROJECT, we had different priorities wallahi.

For example Iman approval for David Bowie, I would do it. Same with Idris Elba, good marriage and wud be approved by PUNTITE OLD CULTURE. Those girls will bring in HANTI shisheeye and back to Puntland. While they are muslim and puntite. They will never forget awoowashooda reer puntland, doesnt matter what culture they marry. Warsangeli approved ugaas laabe marriage with Hindi gift woman also. I want to organize all our girls marriages like this also. Marry UP gabdho, bring back all the productive families in the world hanti. I will approve it even for Jews. The whole world that is productive is doing this, why not majerten. U want us to sit there in animal kingdom with b22nta sade or have PUNTLAND THAT IS SUPERPOWER IN THE FUTURE. We can then protect puntland and our culture and identity, not rely on sadaqo and shit from the world who look down on us cause we joined b22nta and hawiye, we became peasants now, HAPPY. Is that what u want, backwards inaad noqotid, waa tirtirmaysa sida aborigineki uu tirtirmeen, and its over then. Keep b22n from higher level somalis out of our culture, we must quarantine them to upgrade to our culture. 57 ppl speak af-b22n t oday, less for aborigines, guess what, that's puntite in the future as ur name changes, langauge, u forget all your jebertis links around the world, everything that we inherited. GONE FROM HISTORY
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Any Majerten Woman who hasn't married a millionaire, aristocrat, politician, actors, or any high class authority in any nation, 'waa lagu khasaaray' in old puntite culture. We don't want you to marry the peasantry or middle class of those societies who just have one home and a car, ceeb weeye, aniga haysta 500 geel ah, there is no point me approving your marriage to that household. I will refuse a puntite marriage and say 'waan diiday guurkasi' dan nooma soo kordhayso.

I will ensure our males marry 'high class' females of all clans and nations. This is how Puntites succeeded in the world, while we kept building our own territories to move forward and become the superior kingdom of Somalia. That's why we beat SULTAN OF WARSANGELI, who was competing also against the Majerten kingdom while trying to manage his kingdom from the Darawish horsemen and onslaughts crying for ONE SOMALIA no separate kingdoms and becoming like the GULF cooperation Council is today. But the biggest battles happened here in Bari and Nugaal and he knows that @Teeri-Alpha

Well the 'darawish' won, my ancestors lost. Doesn't mean my ancestors were GUN waryaa, I will smash you if you dare say that when I can justify they're reasons, they never changed they're name to michael mariamo or abtirsi, deen, dhaqan. Majerteniya and Darawish History needs answering on who was RIGHT CUZ IF U WERE RIGHT WHY IS SOMALIA LIKE IT IS NOW


@Teeri-Alpha Won't let go of the vision of his 'awoowe' the sayid of One Somalia, cuz he sees this as his 'dhaxal' but he is slipping day by day realizing the 'SULTANS' were right that he was fighting against. U can't bring all these different 'castes' and 'classes' of Somalis together in one nation and expect them to get along.

I am going to say the truth from now on and not hide it anymore which @Teeri-Alpha was trying so hard for centuries by telling them 'somali baan nahay' iyo 'awoowahina iska cilowa' to the 'gun' type tribes who won't let go of they're awooweyaal which is the problem. If they did, then they're b22n ways cud be cured as 'teeri' wanted but there still holding onto they're qabiil the backward clans. So it's impossible to cure it is my assumption.

Castes are Medg00 that is lowest class. He lacks any abtirsi or name or family connections. Some cud be lost from they're original tribes in the desert but it's up to them to find they're families like orphans search for they're families or live IDENTITY LESS lol. These people are like the DALITS of Somalia, we have similar caste system in Somalia to Hindis but Islam tries to cure it but it's still there deep down in all of us.

EELAY falls second as the worst clan. Beggars, maids, and gaajo always. No Somali wants to marry someone like that, u can't force somalis to marry down from the status they already have? u can't be liberal enuff to change this. It's like telling me to marry homeless person or someone I am richer then in Australia. It's hard to convince people to do that.

B22ns, Sade, Hawiye, Isaaq are all the same level type of clans. They have abtirsi but they're awoowe were 'gun gun dhalay' dee, poor and backwards like eelay and shit today, no kingdoms or anything. No governances, under colonies, changing to gaal names and losing abtiris like michael mariamo, living aboriginal lifestyles and how hs/gm/hamar is. If they cancel they're awooweyaal name and say we leave behind our abtirsi and adopt somali as an awoowe for us which isn't going to make sense since there is no SOMALI FATHER, ITS LIKE SAYING ENGLISH IS A FATHER OR LATIN OR ARABIC.

Sade only difference to them is he can return to his dhaxal position in darod and learn the culture all over again from the educated darods, the rest will not be allowed near us tribally speaking. I think as he kept going south sade culture changed sxb, they were GOB to a certain extent and it deteriotes further and further they keep moving to HoTU lands and EELAYS. The b22ns got the better of him and he wont surrender he has to restart the dhaqan again
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