Does anyone have real verifiable information about this? not just 'kaftan' but serious historical or oral literature? I know people who were un-organized were given 'treaties' like native indians were as they are not government but considere wild life status. These treaties are observable in Somaliland protectorate based on the status of being 'elders' meaning wild life not 'sultanates as Makhir or Majerteniya or Hobyo', You don't get a fake status in the old world if you are not what you are.
Oman the regional axis in the region confirmed it as an independent sultanate so did Italy(that's two different global powers saying the same thing) They didn't say their 'tribes or elders' living in the interior like aborigines or native indians.
Now back to why I want information not opinion. When Keenadiid came to Hobyo, their was no 'hadarad' or Sultanates, they were like Somaliland Isaaq/Dir clans. Why didn't we 'exercise' the 'treaty' model and give it protectorate status like British did? Did Slavery happen in Hobyo as their was nothing of worth out there but their bodies and the world was still in the slave trade era? I doubt it happened because they lack farming skills and therefore would've been useless to farms but what I do suspect they were exported to 'arab wars' of our allies as that's all they know.
I say this because even Berbera exported the locals into 'british wars' and I can see Keenadiid not doing the same either. I think he used 'sacad' as his middle-man to bring him the wild ones like 'cayr' because 'sacad' was invested into like oman invested in majerten. I also know Isaaq were sent to 'zoos' their is historical data on this which re-enhances my evidence that they were considered apart of the wild life and took their place in european zoos.
Did Keenadiid do the same with the 'wild savages' and take them to zoos? I consider British Queen and Sultan exercising the same options as they both know what a 'kingdom' is about. Please share your 'real' views on this matter and not kaftan and say 'HG is our slave' I want to see some logical links in your arguments for or against.
When you lack an administration in the old world their is literally three options
1. Farming. This guy actually has verifiable skill
2. Wild life for entertainment purposes to show other kingdoms about these primitive wax qaawans
3. Mercenaries(if they live in region where war is normal)
That's the only thing that can happen when you live in 'vacuum' in the old world as you have no other use cause if you did you would've been organized like kingdom, sultanates, nation state and show your equal to the world.
My dad said u have to talk like this to certain regions in private of course not public to shock their ppl but STOIC since adigu 'legacy' ba haysata isagu 'wax qaawan'.
They prefer ogaden(somalinimo ku faan not your isir approach wax achievement la taban karo dhulka ma jire) and they like marehan(somalinimo ku faan qabil ha sheegan ma gabtid tarikh aad sheegto)
Oman the regional axis in the region confirmed it as an independent sultanate so did Italy(that's two different global powers saying the same thing) They didn't say their 'tribes or elders' living in the interior like aborigines or native indians.
Now back to why I want information not opinion. When Keenadiid came to Hobyo, their was no 'hadarad' or Sultanates, they were like Somaliland Isaaq/Dir clans. Why didn't we 'exercise' the 'treaty' model and give it protectorate status like British did? Did Slavery happen in Hobyo as their was nothing of worth out there but their bodies and the world was still in the slave trade era? I doubt it happened because they lack farming skills and therefore would've been useless to farms but what I do suspect they were exported to 'arab wars' of our allies as that's all they know.
I say this because even Berbera exported the locals into 'british wars' and I can see Keenadiid not doing the same either. I think he used 'sacad' as his middle-man to bring him the wild ones like 'cayr' because 'sacad' was invested into like oman invested in majerten. I also know Isaaq were sent to 'zoos' their is historical data on this which re-enhances my evidence that they were considered apart of the wild life and took their place in european zoos.
Did Keenadiid do the same with the 'wild savages' and take them to zoos? I consider British Queen and Sultan exercising the same options as they both know what a 'kingdom' is about. Please share your 'real' views on this matter and not kaftan and say 'HG is our slave' I want to see some logical links in your arguments for or against.
When you lack an administration in the old world their is literally three options
1. Farming. This guy actually has verifiable skill
2. Wild life for entertainment purposes to show other kingdoms about these primitive wax qaawans
3. Mercenaries(if they live in region where war is normal)
That's the only thing that can happen when you live in 'vacuum' in the old world as you have no other use cause if you did you would've been organized like kingdom, sultanates, nation state and show your equal to the world.
My dad said u have to talk like this to certain regions in private of course not public to shock their ppl but STOIC since adigu 'legacy' ba haysata isagu 'wax qaawan'.
They prefer ogaden(somalinimo ku faan not your isir approach wax achievement la taban karo dhulka ma jire) and they like marehan(somalinimo ku faan qabil ha sheegan ma gabtid tarikh aad sheegto)