Puntland Real Enemies Identified and Prioritized


PL has heaps of enemies and I am just going to demonstrate the FACTS and let you decide how you prioritize our enemies.

91 USC ERA. This was led by the fine folks of @Mckenzie and Sacad. They ethnically cleansed us in Hamar resulting in bi-directional refugee flow with some heading to Kenya and some going to PL. He also waged another War known as 'nus qiyaama' in Galkacyo. Ever since 93 peace deal till 2016, everything was fine with this clan. No peace, no war, we just have nice green line between us and we go do our own thing. Since 2016 they have shown they can be controlled by ruling govt in Mogadishu especially in the Hassan Sheikh Dam Jadiid ERA. Mind you the only part I disagree with Darod over 91 USC clan cleansing is when they attempt to make it appear it was anything like the 4 month war. Darod war wasn't even more then 3 days lol, can u imagine a clan-cleansing of your elite class for 4 months, 100 bodies on each side of your best and brightest? So in comparison to the Hawiye war, Darod war was nothing in comparison.

My Ranking of this enemy? I'd say they are a 'risk' to us if they fall in the wrong hands, if not in the wrong hands, we don't usually have much problems with each other, we can definitely co-exist in peace as 93-2016 is proof but co-existing doesn't mean they're is peace or reconciliation. I would rank them a lesser priority to PL security but we need to 'watch' them closely so the HAGS in Hamar don't get in his head and cuz his a little 'adoon' wallahi and can just join anyone on the pretext of 'anti mj', he doesn't have the mind of rationalist asking 'where the hell u taking me in the first place' to his ally.

My ranking of this enemy SNM/SL - They are serious threat, we don't have a ceasefire or peace treaty with them. They infilitrate PL by sending foot soldiers into galgala thru 'sanaag corridor' and carrying out attacks on our roads against govt official thru mines and ieds. They have been 'caught' red handed assassinating the 'imam of garowe' They also could be responsible for a-lot of the hit n run attack and assasinations in Bosaso in the past, especially when the person 'covers his face' this indicates they have no LOCAL presence. There is UN classified document listing them as the 'heads' of the galgala cell. What are they doing in our home-land if SL is at peace? this is the first question I ask them and they shut the f*ck up in all fadhi ku dirir cafes. I don't see Djibouti attacking us, why? cuz maybe they at PEACE THATS WHY. When your at peace, your at peace with your neighbors. This is clearly not the case with these little fkn b22n infected pieces of shit. I would rank them the SECOND MOST SERIOUS threat to PL

Our NO 1 Threat is Marehan and Cayr. When I say Marehan I mean the Abudwaq rats who had an unholy union with Cayr to push south and capture 'coastal' cities and have access to ports, they hate being stuck in the interior as they deem this a risk to they're clan survival. Cayr actually got Marka/Barawe, but Sade failed in Kismayo. Why? Cuz MJ hasn't lost an inch of land in history, this is where they made a miscalculated move not knowing 'horta ninkani weligisa dhulkisa ma waayay' he will find never, so a rational person would say then WTF am I trying to accomplish by attacking Kismaayo.

They are constantly a thorn in our eyes the abudwaq boys and a huge threat to our southern MJ population, while the CAYR have proven TWICE they have got us to kill each other. Alitihaad under Dahir aways was the first time we killed each other over SSDF VS WADAAD and then they got us to kill each other over JAMA ALI JAMA when Abdiqasim Salat sent him to OPPOSE Abdillahi Yusuf TERM EXTENSION IN 2001.

I deem these two clans the biggest threat to Majertens Marehan and Cayr as they are still at war with us, they have proven to infilitrate us TWICE and make us spill blood also. What do you guys say? I don't deem Gadabursi, Abgaals, Murusades, and shit REAL ENEMIES, I don't see much DATA to support it.
The last war between harti n marehan was barre hirale. Last war with HG was 2015, 2016 major bombing of galkacyo. I.idor fund and aid current terrorists of Gagala. How do you rank marehan above these 2? You my friend have sadephobia-an irrational obsession with marehan