Puntland Presidential Candidates


Sound mind sound body


Madaxtooyada oo muuqaal kaga jawaabtay eedayntii Siyaasi Guulleed Saalax ee Madaxwayne Deni.…

:mjlaugh:Looks like Laftagareen won't be having Deni's support since Deni himself needs support as he is getting attacked inside Garowe by Puntlands presidential candidates.

Guuleed Saalax musharax madaxweyne says Deni wanted PM too and has now made PL bankrupt and worsened security

Gantaalaha Ridada Fog ee Barxadda uu ka ganayo Musharax Guled !!!

Musharax Madaxwayne Guled Salah "Walaalayaal maanta Puntland waxay maraysaa xaalad adag siyaasad ahaan, amni ahaan, dhaqaale ahaan iyo adeeg bulsho ahaan. Waxaad la socotaan in muddo xileedkii maamulka hadda jira gabogabo yahay doorashana aan laga shaqaynayn ee muddo kororsi laga shaqaynayo taasoo khatar wayn ku ah xasiloonida iyo nabadgalyada, waxaad ogtihiin in dastuurkii iyo xeerarkii wadanka lagu falaaday oo dano gaar ah loo badalay, garsoorkii in xukuumaddu afduubtay oo xattaa ay awoodi waayaan dacwadaha la geeyay inay ka jawaabaan, hay’adihii dawladdu inay tabar iyo tayoba beeleen, shaqaalihii dawladdu inaysan muddo 6 bilood ka badan mushahaar aysan qaadan, amnigii inuu faraha kasii baxayo (Bossaso, Gaalkacyo iyo Garowe), dhaqaalihii inuu aad u liito, shaqo la’aantii inay sii badanayso, mashaariicdii horumarinta dano gaar ah loo joojiyay, adeegyadii bulshadu aad u liitaan oo dadkii reer Puntland gobolo kale oo dalka ah iyo dalal bannaanka ah ay caafimaad u aadaan. Waxaas oo dayac ah waxaa keenay hogaan xumada Madaxweynaha iyo tayo xumada maamulkiisa."


Deni performance is undeniable unless your blind. The opposition only hate him due to his STRICT character(abti, koox, adeer, saxib) loomaa isticmali karo si danahooda ay ka fushtan. PL comes first for him.

1. Darawish reformed to lean/mean model like PSF/PMPF not 'ali beesteen'
2. Taxation all automated no more manual method and ppl corruption
3. Democracy
4. Security internal/external the strongest it has ever been
5. Road projects are the most ever done in PL. At least 150 KM has been paved inside towns, high-ways upgrades, sanaag road. 3G road is big game changer and the gravel base is done.
6. Garacad port, Bosaso port expansion, Bosaso Solar Electricity expansion, Bosaso water supply grid expansion. Bosaso airport terminal modernization and 5 star airport hotel
7. SSC free from Somaliland
8. Karbashing HSM into Federalism, ensuring the international community confidence is LOW also on him and warning him he will follow Farmajo Path


Sound mind sound body
It will be interesting how this plays out next two months. This Guled guy I don’t even see what party he represents. Seems like he saying F it to 1m1v
Deni performance is undeniable unless your blind. The opposition only hate him due to his STRICT character(abti, koox, adeer, saxib) loomaa isticmali karo si danahooda ay ka fushtan. PL comes first for him.

1. Darawish reformed to lean/mean model like PSF/PMPF not 'ali beesteen'
2. Taxation all automated no more manual method and ppl corruption
3. Democracy
4. Security internal/external the strongest it has ever been
5. Road projects are the most ever done in PL. At least 150 KM has been paved inside towns, high-ways upgrades, sanaag road. 3G road is big game changer and the gravel base is done.
6. Garacad port, Bosaso port expansion, Bosaso Solar Electricity expansion, Bosaso water supply grid expansion. Bosaso airport terminal modernization and 5 star airport hotel
7. SSC free from Somaliland
8. Karbashing HSM into Federalism, ensuring the international community confidence is LOW also on him and warning him he will follow Farmajo Path

Deni's administration is the best Puntland has ever seen.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

#Puntlandfirst. #PIM
They will all arrive at barxada Garowe and talk crap politics out of their behind. They know they can't touch Deni when it comes to accomplishment. Deni did some mistakes like waste time on bunker zoo politics in Xamar and supporting one enemy Calasow Garguurte over another Farmaajo Sharboweyne. But when in comes to PL, dude has done good work.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Deni performance is undeniable unless your blind. The opposition only hate him due to his STRICT character(abti, koox, adeer, saxib) loomaa isticmali karo si danahooda ay ka fushtan. PL comes first for him.

1. Darawish reformed to lean/mean model like PSF/PMPF not 'ali beesteen'
2. Taxation all automated no more manual method and ppl corruption
3. Democracy
4. Security internal/external the strongest it has ever been
5. Road projects are the most ever done in PL. At least 150 KM has been paved inside towns, high-ways upgrades, sanaag road. 3G road is big game changer and the gravel base is done.
6. Garacad port, Bosaso port expansion, Bosaso Solar Electricity expansion, Bosaso water supply grid expansion. Bosaso airport terminal modernization and 5 star airport hotel
7. SSC free from Somaliland
8. Karbashing HSM into Federalism, ensuring the international community confidence is LOW also on him and warning him he will follow Farmajo Path
Xarmaajo was failure what path did he left to fallow 🤦


Deni has been a total failure. Puntland is in its worst position ever economically and politically, thanks to him. Aaran Jaan and Reer Faroole are 100 times better than the businessmen and have love for Puntland.


Xarmaajo was failure what path did he left to fallow 🤦

Xaarmaajo qof la shaqayo ayuu waayay dhinaca siyasinta lakin shacab ahan meel kasto way uu soo baxeen iyo igu sawir ma ahayn unless you blinded yourself out of 'ciil'. I don't like farmajo siyasadisa in hal dawlad oo hamar taal in lagu noqdo, adigu lakinse ma waxad ku nacday 10 muse suldan buu beeshisa iga dilay, waxas oo kale waa caqliga muse sultan uu ku qiimeeyo siyasada. Yaan la dilin in Somalia, u think that's UNIQUE TO Muse Suldan mise marki muse suldan la dilo waxay la lamid tahay in la dilay aduunka lakin marki beel kale la dilo waa 'barako' miyaa?

Jim Carrey Friends GIF


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Xaarmaajo qof la shaqayo ayuu waayay dhinaca siyasinta lakin shacab ahan meel kasto way uu soo baxeen iyo igu sawir ma ahayn unless you blinded yourself out of 'ciil'. I don't like farmajo siyasadisa in hal dawlad oo hamar taal in lagu noqdo, adigu lakinse ma waxad ku nacday 10 muse suldan buu beeshisa iga dilay, waxas oo kale waa caqliga muse sultan uu ku qiimeeyo siyasada. Yaan la dilin in Somalia, u think that's UNIQUE TO Muse Suldan mise marki muse suldan la dilo waxay la lamid tahay in la dilay aduunka lakin marki beel kale la dilo waa 'barako' miyaa?

Jim Carrey Friends GIF
Horgal horgal dhaleey u support xarmaajo because of ur bidhe father was kaabo qad for afweyne 😂
They will all arrive at barxada Garowe and talk crap politics out of their behind. They know they can't touch Deni when it comes to accomplishment. Deni did some mistakes like waste time on bunker zoo politics in Xamar and supporting one enemy Calasow Garguurte over another Farmaajo Sharboweyne. But when in comes to PL, dude has done good work.

Deni didn't leave the country like a lot of people. He started off by working as a teacher, then he went into business and finally politics. He's not gaajo like these others and he has a long history of public service. These other losers didn't even prove they can be a normal mayor, let alone Governor, but they think we will trust them with the highest office.
He also has a lot of his own money and is not gaajo that can be bought, Masha'Allah.
His goal is legacy not enriching himself.


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