Puntland President Gaas Arrives in UAE

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Home » Somali News » Puntland: Siyaasada Qatar & Turkiga ee ku kooban Muqdisho loo xirnaan maayo!
Puntland: Siyaasada Qatar & Turkiga ee ku kooban Muqdisho loo xirnaan maayo!
Posted: Maxamed Cismaan - August 19, 2017 9 Comments


Kadib markii Puntland todobaadkan ku dhawaaqday inay dowlada Federaalka ugu baaqeyso inay wax ka bedasho siyaasadeeda ku aadan khilaafka Khaliijka ayey shacabka Soomaaliyeed wax iska weydiinayaan sababta keentay in Puntland oo ah maamulka ugu facweyn Federaalka Soomaaliya uu ulla saftay xulafada Sacuudiga iyo Imaaraatiga.

Dadka qaar ayaa in badan aaminsan in arrintan ay la xariirto xiriirka dhaw ee ka dhaxeeya Puntland iyo Imaaraatiga oo ah mid soo jiray kahor dhismihii Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo maalgashiga dhawaan shirkada DP World sheegtay inay ku sameenayso dekkada Bosaaso ee isha dhaqaalaha deegaanada Puntland.

Horseed Media oo isku dayday inay arrintan xog dheeraad ah ka ogaato ayaa ku guuleysatay in qaar kamid ah mas’uuliyiinta Puntland ay arrintan uga waramaan, wallow ay dhamaantood ka gaabsadeen in magacooda la xuso.

“….Qoraalka hada soo baxay ee Puntland maaha mid ka qarsoonaa dowlada Federaalka ee horey bay Puntland si hoose Villa Soomaliya ugu dirtay in arrinta taageerada Qatar ka fiirsato iyo saameynta ay ku yeelan karto arrintaasi guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya….” Ayuu yiri sarkaal ka tirsan Madaxtooyada oo ka jawaabayey su’aal la xariirtay in horey Puntland iyo Federaalkan arrimahan uga wadahadleen.

Mas’uuliyiinta Puntland ayaa dhamaantood isku raacay in Villa Somaliya ay ka gaabisay in maamulada dalka ka jira ay siyaasada la xariirta khaliijka ay kala tashato.

Dhinaca kale waxaa arrintan sii xoojiyey cabasho horey Puntland uga qabtay Dowlada Federaalka oo la sheegay inay si dadban u horjoogsatay mashaariic uu Turkiga doonayey inuu ka fuliyo Puntland, gaar ahaan dowladii hore ee Xassan Shiikh Maxamuud, taasi oo ay Puntland si weyn u dhibsatay, sida uu sheegay mas’uul sare oo ka tirsan Wasaarada Qorsheynta iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga ee Puntland.

Wallahi these dheg cas are snakes. Of all The countries that have invested in somalia, only turkey is genuine. These sand are only investing in somalia to destabilize our country and control the market. They know we will be ahead of them in every aspect. :denzelnigga::ohlord:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
President Abdiweli Gaas is doing the right thing why the federal government would support Qatar when there's hardly any Somalis living there & we never shared no historical partnership or trade with them is beyond me.

I have been to UAE QATAR & SAUDIA ARABIA and I can tell you for a fact that there's more Somalis living in the kingdom of Saudia Arabia than there is Qataris in Qatar or abroad. Somalis own many businesses in the UAE & SAUDIA ARABIA.

There's nothing in the federal constitution that stipulates he can't get into agreements with other countries as long as the money that state makes a cut will go to the federal government.

Puntland shouldn't sit on their hands while Knowing from the action of HSM previously block development for Puntland it's evident we should not sit idly by waiting for others to help us Puntlanders have always been known to do for themselves and not waiting for others to get stuff done for them.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
My day has been made today. Today is a good day.

My president, my flag.

I love everything in those pictures.

Allah swt is truly great.

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