Puntland Needs Business Watch Dog


My dad place just got robbed by one of his sister's daughter husband(issa mahmoud banking dude). He was supposed to Install a new plumbing system for a new house which was recently built and he did a cheap ass job using cheap parts and incompetent installation.

Now the wall foundation is now nearly collapsing from exploding water pipes. It's going to cost us $1500 to get it repaired. I wonder where is the business consumer meditator like we have in Australia called the ACCC or at least a civil court to launch a case against this shoddy trades person.

All companies must by law provide a minimum warranty on works undertaken, invoices, etc. Where is Puntland version of a consumer watchdog where customers can lodge complaints against shoddy companies who fail to deliver a product or service as agreed upon between customer and business.

Come in @Pwyneth Galtrow @Libaax-Joore @Yusuf M what would u guys do in Puntland if you got scammed by business dude who is married to your sister daughter? where is the public courts and forms I can lodge so it can be investigated and that person loses his business license or should be given a business fine.


Products or services rendered must adhere to contractual or invoice agreement or else their should be a tribunal or court that customers can access to get their money back or at least a fine against that business or total cancellation of their business license. We need suuq nidaamsan where all products and services are backed up with warranty and tribunal or civil court with power to enforce the commercial law.
Totally agree with you walale, we need a business watchdog to do something about these unscrupulous businessmen. I remember hearing about locals complaining about electricity prices, since they are monopolised by one or two companies, they can basically set the prices they want.

Same problem with the Airline company that operates in Somalia, I think two of them merged not long ago so now there is one company doing what they want.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
I agree bro, a watchdog organisation would incentivize the traders to do a proper job otherwise they would get sued.

Right now theres no punishment for doing a lousy job


I agree bro, a watchdog organisation would incentivize the traders to do a proper job otherwise they would get sued.

Right now theres no punishment for doing a lousy job

I should be able to access a court or tribunal and provide my receipt or invoice and show that services rendered and products has fallen below contractual agreement. In PL we need to start issuing receipts and invoices for all products and services in puntland's market place and a commercial law passed that all products and services must meet contractual agreement with customer and warranties.

This would then ensure puntland's market is trustworthy between customer and business. Heavy fines must be issued to traders who try to break the commercial law or cancellation of business license. We need to start getting tough and no more relying on the good will of people.

