Puntland Looming Election Crisis Solution


@Libaax-Joore my father assessed farole aragti, talo, and sidu PL iyo Somalia diplomatically uu hirgelin laha among the other siyasin, he said he had no confidence in his ability anywhere, meeel uu ku roona xitaa ma jirin plus he said he has bad personality and when they rose to pray farole was asked to 'lead' it and he responds 'anigu wax ii dhaamo miyaa la waayay' ma dad joked back 'war wax ku dhaamo lama waayin, lakin marti ayaa tahay', my dad said to me he is a senile fool who is more concerned with his own self image, and ego and to stay from him or his kids or anyone loyal to them.

My dad only backed Abdillahi Yusuf post 90s politicians no-one else.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@Libaax-Joore my dad abused your muse suldan Samatar in a Garowe Cafe, in an indirect, somali way also, the idiot didn't even understand my father hikma, and my father just got up n left and said to a bah dubays relative war waxan oo kale naanaabkani miyaa osman mahmoud uu haray. He didn't abuse jama ali jama in the 2000s at hajj after my father explicity told him Somalia is in chaos and PL needs 'strong man' in these times and to leave 'yey' alone, even tho he was telling my father he was a fooled by abdillahi yusuf(maskaxdu ka gumeysta ayuu yiri exact words).

U muse suldan hal meel aad siyasada ku saxsan tihin tarikh illa manta ma arko, YOUR ALWAYS LOSERS AND WRONG. My father isn't aragti gaaban like u. He refused to join Farole camp for a role in his govt, as he wasn't confident in his aragti and leadership and diplomacy skills as he wasn't going to risk his name with such camp, which is where all those aaran jaan idiots were created, and their many osman mahmouds like dholowaa family involved with them.
Learn my history kabaqadki ku dhale was
https://fb.watch/nN2VOZ5qW D/?mibextid=qC1gEa


Learn my history kabaqadki ku dhale was

Haku gamban siyad barre this and that, waxad ka xun tahay bah dubays iyo malayin somaliyeed oo wax ku noqday Somalia kacandiid yahow, halka adigu waxad rabtay sheekadi dawlada rayidka ah oo family business dalka noqoto. Muse Suldanki iyo Bindhihi ku dhalay wase.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Haku gamban siyad barre this and that, waxad ka xun tahay bah dubays iyo malayin somaliyeed oo wax ku noqday Somalia kacandiid yahow, halka adigu waxad rabtay sheekadi dawlada rayidka ah oo family business dalka noqoto. Muse Suldanki iyo Bindhihi ku dhalay wase.
Kabaqadki ku dhale was 😂😂 muse sultan are freedom fighters 100 dhuudo 100 u wa


Kabaqadki ku dhale was 😂😂 muse sultan are freedom fighters 100 dhuudo 100 u wa

Ana ku sheegay boqolki duudood boqol uu waa long time ago xitaa u don't acknowledge soo ma aha?. Kuna dar 'todobdi ali salebaan todobow loo waa', I know that conflict, I told u my second awoowe in my abtirsi was in that battle. Dagaalku adigu kumadan jirin liar, just becuz u live there NOW, doesn't mean u were in the battle THEN. U live on the coast, u don't have nomads, only nomads r recruited 4 war.

Besides Darawish were fighting gees-to-gees across all Somalia, south-north-east-west-central. PL hal 'aag' keliya bay ahayd in the grand scheme of it all. U don't honor yourself in war anyways, others must honor u, which the sayid did in the gabay.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Ana ku sheegay boqolki duudood boqol uu waa long time ago xitaa u don't acknowledge soo ma aha?. Kuna dar 'todobdi ali salebaan todobow loo waa', I know that conflict, I told u my second awoowe in my abtirsi was in that battle. Dagaalku adigu kumadan jirin liar, just becuz u live there NOW, doesn't mean u were in the battle THEN. U live on the coast, u don't have nomads, only nomads r recruited 4 war.

Besides Darawish were fighting gees-to-gees across all Somalia, south-north-east-west-central. PL hal 'aag' keliya bay ahayd in the grand scheme of it all. U don't honor yourself in war anyways, others must honor u, which the sayid did in the gabay.
Ur awoowe was kabaqad for madmullah


Ur awoowe was kabaqad for madmullah

Kaba-qaad 4 mullah kulaha kkkkkk. He loved the 'sayid' like all Somalis did becuz he was a machivellian statesman-poet-military genius all into 1, that's why ppl remember his 'poetry like quran', his sayings are like the somali gospel till today. But my awoowe fought in the 100 infantry while ali salebaan were 7 special forces flank. They duelled boqol to boqol, 7 to 7 waryaa.

My awoowe was the right hand man of hersi boqor when he tried to capture majerteniya back from Italy. Infact when hersi boqor went to the ogaden my awoowe was with him. He wanted to get haile selassie alliance who were fighting italy and conducting dual war-front on the Italians. Even my awoowe son was born during that travelling and hersi boqor named him. Go back to baylah bindhihi ku dhalay wase.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Kaba-qaad 4 mullah kulaha kkkkkk. He loved the 'sayid' like all Somalis did becuz he was a machivellian statesman-poet-military genius all into 1, that's why ppl remember his 'poetry like quran', his sayings are like the somali gospel till today. But my awoowe fought in the 100 infantry while ali salebaan were 7 special forces flank. They duelled boqol to boqol, 7 to 7 waryaa.

My awoowe was the right hand man of hersi boqor when he tried to capture majerteniya back from Italy. Infact when hersi boqor went to the ogaden my awoowe was with him. He wanted to get haile selassie alliance who were fighting italy and conducting dual war-front on the Italians. Even my awoowe son was born during that travelling and hersi boqor named him. Go back to baylah bindhihi ku dhalay wase.
Son of kabaqad you will never be on my level 😂😂


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@Libaax-Joore my dad abused your muse suldan Samatar in a Garowe Cafe, in an indirect, somali way also, the idiot didn't even understand my father hikma, and my father just got up n left and said to a bah dubays relative war waxan oo kale naanaabkani miyaa osman mahmoud uu haray. He didn't abuse jama ali jama in the 2000s at hajj after my father explicity told him Somalia is in chaos and PL needs 'strong man' in these times and to leave 'yey' alone, even tho he was telling my father he was a fooled by abdillahi yusuf(maskaxdu ka gumeysta ayuu yiri exact words).

U muse suldan hal meel aad siyasada ku saxsan tihin tarikh illa manta ma arko, YOUR ALWAYS LOSERS AND WRONG. My father isn't aragti gaaban like u. He refused to join Farole camp for a role in his govt, as he wasn't confident in his aragti and leadership and diplomacy skills as he wasn't going to risk his name with such camp, which is where all those aaran jaan idiots were created, and their many osman mahmouds like dholowaa family involved with them.
How can ur father kabaqad for afweyne 21 years will abused SSDF soldier general abdullahi said samatar house of muse sultan all his security boys were muse sultan 🙏🏽🇸🇱


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Bidhe @DR OSMAN ur horgaal father will be slapped by this muse mareekan before he get to general abdullahi said samatar

