Puntland Is Heading Towards New Age


Puntites are heading towards a new age where the people are now going to be stakeholders at the local level, this will expand eventually to the regional level through 'small and safe' migrations not 'radical and quick change'.

It's time the elites realize the people are now different, they have access to local media and even foreign thru the internet. They know how the rest of the world operate. They need to change to fit this new reality rather then using age-old siyad barre culture or else your goals whether personal-clan-regional will never be achieved, becuz it's out-dated and doesn't reflect the new on-ground realities.

Puntites do not want an opposition for the sake of opposition, they saw where this got Somalia in 91 thru the rebel groups. Opposition are seen as trouble-makers by 'default' becuz of their memory of the rebel groups. This is a reality opposition need to take into account.

The people won't accept a small group of people whether staged or real oppose the people aspiration or government because ofo their own personal interest(Lug goyo, revenge, status, xaa cuna, destruction). It's even worse if a mogadishu hand is detected which will cause 100% unity and support for the govt of the day, becuz they don't have any history with Mogadishu where they brought any benefit to PL, if they did, this would be different.

So do not help the president become a 'messiah'


Now philosophically I don't believe the on-ground conditions are still there yet for a successful democracy such financial indepence and high education rates or else identity politics will reign supreme. This is my 'aragti' and won't change, I will warn the people so people in the future can see I was ahead of my time and my peers rejected me.

But I will respect the people's aspiration even if I do believe it's rushed. I won't oppose them even on my 'aragti' becuz im not opposing for ulterior motives(xil baa layga qaaday, xaa cuna, lug goyo, etc). It's an 'aragti' issue for me. Anigu waxay iga tahay shacabka wa in la dhisa kow intan dorasha la aadin.


I do support however decentralization of development policy and service delivery to the local level. I want PL to play a 'coordinating' role while the local councils all compete this can give us all the benefits of 'diversification', PL should only intervene at an 'advisory' capacity when a local council isn't functioning at the same rate as other local councils.


I like Deni posture politically

1. SSC. He made SL kill n destroy the ppl they claim they represent. A Disaster that they can't recover from.
2. Development posture
3. Security posture internally has been strong
4. Now democracy posture fulfilling a big constitutional task

His other constitutional task are below average

1. Census
2. Enpowering local councils haven't been achieved or matured
3. The legal framework is still not world-class whether it's security/civilian/criminal/constitutional/market

Disarmament also hasn't been done but this has pros/cons. Regulating it strongly might be the best middle ground and 'storage' facilities with local Isim oversight. Disarming can lead to tyranny from govt and single point collapse if it's all centralized to govt.