Puntland Begin Biyoole Project. 30 Statewide Dams


VIDEO: Puntland oo 30 biyo-xireen ka hirgalinaysa deegaanadeeda



Wasiir ku-xigeenka Wasaaradda Tamarta, Macdanta iyo Biyaha Dowladda Puntland Axmed Siciid Qaloombi, ayaa deegaanka Rabaable ee Gobalka Nugaal ka daah-furay 30 Biyo-xireen oo laga hirgalinayo Guud ahaan deegaanada Puntland.

Biyo-xireenka kowaad oo laga hirgalin doonaa Deegaanka Rabaable, ayaa qaadi doonnaa ilaa 20 milyan Mitir Kuyuubig oo biyo ah, waxaana loogu talagalay inay ka faa’ideystaan dadka iyo duunyada ku dhaqan deegaankaas.

Dhismaha Biyo-xireenada ayaa qeyb ka ah Mashruuca Biyoole ee uu maalgeliyey Baanka Adduunka, waxaana Munaasabadda dhagax dhiga sidoo kale ka qaybgalay Agaasimaha Guud ee Wakaaladda Horumarinta Biyaha Puntland, Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Nugaal iyo Maamulka Deegaanka.


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I prefer these type of public services, wuxu tabanaya shacabka and it increases their living standards. I want a puntland local to be higher HDI then Mogadishu locals and the only way is to increase public services.
Awalan, Masha'Allah, ilaahay dadka ishooda hanaga badbaadiyo.

There are already 6 major water cachments or sand surface dams in Puntland if I am not mistaken. Remember in the last major drought, nomads from all over "Somalia" came to get water in Bari.

Puntland needs to keep focusing on these types of projects, peace, water and food security is non-negotiable, without this, life is not sustainable.

After water, our biggest problem is livestock grazing. Puntland need to find a way to make nomads sedentary and capable of feeding their livestock without wandering everywhere and destroying the environment with overgrazing.

Somalia's economy and livelihoods are predominantly driven by livestock sector, with grazing rather than stall feeding is the norm. The predominant livestock species are goats, sheep, camel and cattle. Free-grazing prevails on indigenous pattern, the nomadism follows the availability of forage and water, and is not done on rotational purposes to provide rest period for the vegetation to be on sustainable basis except in Dharoor valley of Puntalnd. The free/over grazing has led to habitat degradation in multiple ways such as leading to stunted growth of vegetation due to browsing pressure, over grazing on the other hand has marred the natural regeneration of the woody vegetation. The hoeing phenomenon together with the removal of the vegetation cover has facilitated the gully and sheet erosion. Thus the process of land degradation is perpetuated by the mutually reinforcing degradation factors of soil erosion together with suppressed regenerative capacity of the natural vegetation - the protective cover of the soil and habitat in general.

The excessive number of the livestock, besides the overgrazing, pushes away the wildlife in general and ungulates in particular, because of direct competition for forage and space. On the other hand predator in general and cats in particular are threatened as the ranching communities clears them a way to protect their livestock. In some areas such as Nugaal, Puntland, the grasslands are profusely rich, and support the grazing pressure with less depletion, however, the huge presence of livestock outcompete the wildlife, due to the mentioned factors.



After water, our biggest problem is livestock grazing. Puntland need to find a way to make nomads sedentary and capable of feeding their livestock without wandering everywhere and destroying the environment with overgrazing.

The nomads don't wander as much as they used to. Some of my uncles r nomadic and when they move they hire 'trucks' nowadays which is very 'rare' event. As for over-grazing, my family uses 'wheat' to feed our camels and they have become sedentary.

The laws around grazing in public land especially in karkaar-nugaal is getting tougher in Puntland, so many nomads are reverting to buying their own livestock feed and staying put in their region.
The nomads don't wander as much as they used to. Some of my uncles r nomadic and when they move they hire 'trucks' nowadays which is very 'rare' event. As for over-grazing, my family uses 'wheat' to feed our camels and they have become sedentary.

The laws around grazing in public land especially in karkaar-nugaal is getting tougher in Puntland, so many nomads are reverting to buying their own livestock feed and staying put in their region.

Masha'Allah that's brilliant. Now all we need is to teach nomads how to farm alongside herding livestock.


Very beneficial for Puntland as this outcome allows the population in that region to collect fresh water during periods of heavy precipitation for use during a dry spell or drought and help to prevent property loss while reducing the risk to human life from annual flooding events.