Puntland Anti Irir Legislation


I want to put before Puntland Parliament that we need to keep these IRIR away from our people. It lowers our culture and IQ in the end, they won't increase it. I mean look at @Abdurahman_somali he is arguing this cesspool

Mumbai in India

He thinks that economic productivity. War majertenow gaaladu yaysan nagu qoslin, dadkani aan kala fogaano. When you walk into their city those people in Mumbai they're pocket is 1 dollar and the buildings are owned by DIASPORA OR Foreigners who consider it a personal white man investment.

Where-as This nice sleepy country town in Australia is poor to this IRIR because it lacks flashy diaspora or foreign owned buildings. Let me tell you nigga these ppl have wallet sizes of 100k per person each household not 1 dollar like Mumbai. These ppl in the picture are richer then all mumbai combined.


Now if any puntite wants to keep us with these backward irir so be it, but don't you dare tell me it's because they give us any intelligence, just look at that c*nt abdirahman_Tuur. I can't stay in this nation anymore it's keeping me and my people down with bad polices of people going around building for DAAR thinking this means your RICH, no it means you made you money in white man world and then build a stupid building in a dead market place because all your people are worth 1 dollar.

This isn't PL or any darod clan cause all our rural people are wealthy, thats why we dont work in kitchens and sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. There is no way you can compare Majerten wealth and Isaaq on what grounds? When it comes business centers we own Kismayo, Galkacyo, Bosaso. Does isaaq? no waryaa, just stop the games and competition and surrender to darodism as libaaxseender cause it works for all. I want PL economic development to be about empowering our locals to have large wallets not 10 rich diaspora owned buildings.

At least I am honest to irir. War jecel aan idin gabo awoowashayda idin ma racine ama sayidka iyo @Darwiish97 baan soo dhowayn laha, lagama sheekayeen dagaaladeen NEW YORK POST WARYAA, XOOG IYO QASAB BAAN DALKANI KU SOO GALAY MA AHA IN AAN JECEL AMA WAX IDIN KA KORSANAYO. @Teeri-Alpha MADE TRAGIC MISTAKE INTRODUCING SOMALINIMO, WE WERE BETTER OF AS COASTAL STATES SEPARATE FROM EACH OTHER
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