Proposal to change Dhusamereeb name to Diamond City

Why was it called dhuusomareeb in the first place, does it have anything to do with hawiye eating cambuulo and farting a lot after. Ive noticed Somalia has places that have inappropriate names. They changed wardhiigley to warda nabada which is better I guess.


Tell the story again please, it was deleted.


in your feelings yet? yall too sensitive for me.
IskuShuban is so beautiful, the name doesn't's filled with oases, date palms and other gorgeous scenery.

The name means "biyo isku shubmiya"

@Falcon , nice try though lmao



Dhusamareb/Tusmodheer aka Daardheer is so beautiful, the name doesn't matter...

The name means "The place with the high sight”


I thought everyone was being literal and no one was giving the meaning behind the names any consideration?:icon lol:

if Dhusamareb means fart city then iskushuban means diarrhea city. so, someone with a city named β€œDiarrhea on yourself” shouldnt try to take shots at someone else’s city named fart city.

Aan kala xishoono kkkk.:mjkkk:


in your feelings yet? yall too sensitive for me.

I like the backstory more than making fun of the name.

Tusmodheer sounds much better

We don't mind Isku Shuban because the place evokes oases and bodies of water so it is whatever.
We don’t mind Dhusamareb either. there are other towns in Somalia with worse names.:pachah1:

but I prefer either Daardher or Tusmodheer to return as the official name.

