Proof that somalis have a negative brand

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future pirate king
So i wrote a script that gets sentiment from any tweets containing a key word/words. I searched somalis and surprise surprise.

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It's all so tiresome
Cool link, in this case i used rule based approach Vader from NLTK. nlp with AI is fascinating, its amazing how words can be represented in 1s and 0s

Wasn't aware of that library. Seems pretty useful. I guess rule based systems could be effective within a limited role.

Always assumed that to get any effective sentiment analysis going you needed to know all this advanced math concepts like group/information theory and so on.

I guess the above is only needed for deep learning models where you want to pull out the nuances in tweets...i.e. getting into messy semantics.

The subject is still new so who knows where it'll go.

All I know is that only large marketing or consulting firms need people knowledgeable about sentiment tracking atm.


Somalia should have gone for some generic ass name not related to the ethnic group.

Something like: East African Federal Republic, EAFR.
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