Proof Allah Has Hands In A Real Sense


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
burden of proof is on you guys to prove it’s metaphorical
Isn’t Allah unlike his creation? Although I remember reading this hadiths about Allah creating adam in his image. Dont know whether its true or not.
Isn’t Allah unlike his creation? Although I remember reading this hadiths about Allah creating adam in his image. Dont know whether its true or not.
humans have hands and a clock has a hand. does that mean that our hands are like a clock?

Allah has hands and a human has a hands. Does that mean our hands are like allah azzawajal ?

This is where ppl start to claim anthropomorphism saying that allah shares qualities like the creation and saying it’s blasphemy affirming what allah is telling us about himself.

If we go by that logic, Allah exists and we exist does that mean our existence is similar to allahs?

There is nothing like allah and he is not like his creation in anyway


Minister of Propaganda
Although I remember reading this hadiths about Allah creating adam in his image.

That is more of a biblical concept, that man is in the image of god, linking to the idea that creation (Jesus) can be god.

The Islamic hadiths refer more to the fact that man can hear, speak and see, walk and talk and think. Those attributes are only shared by human beings and Allah SWT.

Does not mean we are the same or that we are alike, we just have weakened attributes derived from Allah SWT himself.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
humans have hands and a clock has a hand. does that mean that our hands are like a clock?

Allah has hands and a human has a hands. Does that mean our hands are like allah azzawajal ?

This is where ppl start to claim anthropomorphism saying that allah shares qualities like the creation and saying it’s blasphemy affirming what allah is telling us about himself.

If we go by that logic, Allah exists and we exist does that mean our existence is similar to allahs?

There is nothing like allah and he is not like his creation in anyway

this one hundred percent and of course we should forget our own logic and follow the Quran and Sunnah and understanding of the salaf. then we can make logical deductions based on what is thereby proven.

the video goes into detail with evidence from Quran and Sunnah. with the evidence from Quran and Sunnah, it's clear that Allah has hands. but if we only rely on our own reasoning without the evidences then we may arrive at a false view.
Why are people debating about whether Allah has hands or not? This is useless discussion whether Allah has hands or not should not concern humans and they shouldn't have the right to even discuss it all you have to do is worship God and believe in him.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Why are people debating about whether Allah has hands or not? This is useless discussion

meanwhile in the other threads


(not to belittle whatever Yaraye's co-worker said- it may be really serious... but there is a thread right now about a guy pouring cereal on on himself! I don't imagine anyone says "this is useless talk" on that thread)
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meanwhile in the other threads

View attachment 329717

(not to belittle whatever Yaraye's co-worker said- it may be really serious... but there is a thread right now about a guy pouring cereal on on himself! I don't imagine anyone says "this is useless talk" on that thread)
The reason why I say it's useless discussion is because discussing whether Allah has hands or not is a serious issue and a small remark may lead to a person leaving the folds of Islam unlike a thread about an insane guy pouring cereal on himself that is a useless thread it's not even worth remembering.

Besides I don't get the whole discussion about whether Allah has hands or not. No being has seen Allah not even the angels so I don't understand why Muslims are debating about it?
Enough with the anthromorphism. Allah does not resemble his creation. The athatri position is that they're silent and don't discuss it. They don't say he has hand audhubillah. That is approaching kufr you are commitimg both tashbih and tajsim. Allah does not have a body or form.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
That could have been a metaphor ngl.

No, inadeer. Allah has Two Hands. Two hands are not metaphorical, however it’s not like our hands. Nothing is equal to Allah nor similar to Allah. If Allah said He Has Two Hands, we ascribe Him to that. Nothing more, nothing less.

The heretics go on mental gymnastics by trying to compare our hands to His.


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