BREAKING NEWS Prince Phillip Dead at 99

Poor dude. Will always be remembered at Mr. Elizabeth. One of the dangers of marrying a woman more successful than you, people will always refer to you as her husband not the other way around.
Testosterone kills men faster and limits their lifespan. The queen can live for 10-15 more years due to her gender. She's 5 years younger than Phillip.

On the flip side grief & mourning are detrimental to the well-being of elders and effects their health state. My great aunt passed away of grief a month after her husband.


@Flex @Big von @4head are complete weirdos, the obsession is downright creepy. Accudubillah.
So I have an obsession that I feel sorry/sympathy for people that have died? I bet that you go to funerals to have a laugh, you absolute psycho :childplease:


Stroking my Australinimo
He is dead from the outside but alive in the inside shooked at the things he is seeing. Munkar and Nakir is sharpening their whip as we speak.

