price of success when courting

i used to enjoy the chase and thrill of courtship before i moved to hargeisa. you see i had always been endowed in physical
beauty terms but i still had to pull the ladies and put some effort particulatly with somali girls who had a pride to match mine
and i used to enjoy that psychological tussle until i broke them which was nearly always, but when i moved to hargeisa and it
being a small city amd me now with money to add to my looks i dont even have to put effort anymore, am now like honey
to the bees cant shake them off. am starting to get bored, i crave for something that will challenge me, dont get me wrong
the girls in hargeisa are great its just when one combines looks, money and charm waa just simply irresistible. i try to imagine
the allure of some of you lovelys here but i know its just the screen that stand between us. it comes down and you join the
statistics. ohh the rues of success. it has taught me that after achieving one thing the naafs wants another and that haraam
never satisfies. seeing that i love women i conclude that i will just have to marry the permissible 4 and stick to halal. islam is
really the only way


I suggest you make yourself look clapped af to amp up the challenge. Get one of your close friends to f*ck up your face :Troll:
Then munch shitloads of bariis iyo baasto to equally f*ck up your body :groypersit:
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doesn't matter how handsome you are, you still need to have game for the ladies, meaning, knowing how to talk, what to say, how you say it, the right amount of humility and confidence, and so on.
I noticed that among the girls in Hargeisa, it's because the majority are gold diggers. I would say at least 70-80 percent of them. But there is a minority of girls here who are classy, savage to talk with meaning you can't speak to them easily, and have this pride about them. Those girls are so alluring and worth chasing if you have the game, espically for marriage.

