Reer Bicidyahan is governor of its region in Wardheer, we haven't lost any power or land over there that is worth mentioning.
LOL, to add insult to injury to you, we are a sub sub sub clan of Majerteen which is a sub sub sub sub clan of Daarood.
You are literally fighting clans that are newborns compared to your ancient dinosaur langaab clan who cannot become President of anything.
You keep saying "we will" "we can", " we shall".
Nigga, this is not a self-help club.
Nobody cares about your wishes and goals.
Reer Bicidyahan is governor of its region in Wardheer, we haven't lost any power or land over there that is worth mentioning.
LOL, to add insult to injury to you, we are a sub sub sub clan of Majerteen which is a sub sub sub sub clan of Daarood.
You are literally fighting clans that are newborns compared to your ancient dinosaur langaab clan who cannot become President of anything.
You keep saying "we will" "we can", " we shall".
Nigga, this is not a self-help club.
Nobody cares about your wishes and goals.